> Valhalla On Line Help File

Valhalla On Line Help File


bug (bug string)

This command is used to report bugs to the creators. If you have a severe bug, you should contact an immortal or implementor directly. If you are found to have knowledge of a bug you MUST tell an immortal what the bug is. If You refuse to tell a god your character may be frozen/change passworded or deleted. If you are found to be abusing a bug you may find your character deleted or lowered in levels/ experience. Punishment is determined by the immortal you are dealing with.
See Also:


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Usage: brief

If you're tired of seeing all the old room descriptions scrolling up over the screen you can use this command. Then you will only get the room title, and its contents. Beware, do not use brief when you're exploring new sections, there might be clues in the room description text that are important. To turn off brief, just use the same command again.

See Also:

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bury (item)
bury all

Bury an item, you were carrying in the dust. When an item is buried, you cannot see it directly, but have to dig to find it.

See Also:

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Multiplaying is allowed only to a max of two characters, this means you may have a max of 2 characters run by the same human player on line at any given time. You may own more then two characters but they can only play 2 at any given time. Also a human player must be in full command of each character that is on line. Scripts, bots or other non-human controlled characters are expressly forbidden.

See Also:

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Brownies are the protectors of the forest. They are slightly smaller than halflings and live in small hidden villages in a ring midway between the center and edge of the elven forests. No one is certain where the brownies came from, though some stories tell of a romance between a halfling explorer and a pixie. Brownies serve as the ambassadors of the fairy folk to the outside world. Brownie magic is one of the most powerful upon the world, leaning toward conjugation and sorcery ...summoned armies and rains of lightning bolts are enough to convince any hostile force to think twice about invading their home. Brownies also have a natural knack for hiding and sneaking and getting into small spaces, thus making fairly good thieves. They share their hatred of goblinkind with the elves and will not hesitate to use their powers to destroy them whenever possible.

magic +3constitution-2
divine-1 charisma+1
dexterity+2 brain+1
strength-2 hit points-2

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Welcome to Valhalla. We hope you'll enjoy playing this game. You are now playing a character in the game. You control this character by typing in commands and pressing telling the game to execute the command. If text is written on the screen while you are writing the command, just continue with whatever you were typing, what you have written will NOT be lost.

The first commands that you will want to know are these:

All commands can be abbreviated. Thus the command 'look' can be abbreviated to just 'l'. Names of things and items can NOT be abbreviated, you must write their full name to refer to them. Be careful! Learn which abbreviations trigger which commands. For instance, 's' is an abbreviation for 'south' not 'say', here you must use the abbreviation 'sa' for 'say'.

If you haven't saved your character yet, you are here as a guest and your character is forgotten as soon as you quit. If you decide to begin playingseriously, use the save command to keep your character.

If you need further help, try to use the help command differently, by putting a word behind it, such as 'help commands' which will show you a sample of commands. 'help' followed by a command often reveals the full use of a command. Try this on 'look'.

To say something type 'say' and a space, and then the sentence you wish to say. For example 'say hello world!' (don't type the '').

To quit playing, type 'quit'.

See Also:
Movement Commands
Communications Position
Guilds Dictionary
Laws Races
Classes Skills
Spells Gain

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Please note that Valhalla likes to have UNIQUE zones. If the zone is on another mud please do not submit it here. When you create an area for use with Valhalla, you give to us the right to use it and modify it on a permanent basis, because of the large effort required by us to help you build the zone. We retain the right to use (or not use) any such area, you naturally retain the copyright. We will not give your area away without your permission first and we kindly ask that you do the same for us. If we find your zones on other muds we will reserve the right to remove your zone from our mud and demote you any levels you recieved for them.

If you wish to build on the mud contact an admin (type wizlist and pick someone levels 253/254)

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Usage: wimpy

The command wimpy is used to switch between brave and wimpy mode. When you are wimpy you will flee whenever death is near. The penalty for being wimpy is that you will only get half the experience for your kills.

See Also:

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To use various board look at them to see the instructions. You may read a message or write somthing on the board.

look at board
read 43
write This is a test message.

See Also:

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You can use this command when captured by a guard if you wish to attempt to break your handcuffs.

See Also:
Guard Guild

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The book of blood is the one and only way that a player will be alloud to PK on the mud. Basically after level 10, you go to the library in Midgaard and sign the book. Once you sign the book you may never have your pk flag removed, do NOT bother to ask the gods to remove it. There should NEVER be an instance where a non-book of blood signer is PKed or PKing. If this happens it is considered bug abuse and grounds for deletion. The killing of a wanted player is not concidered pking. Here is a list of SOME of the rules of BoB and their penalties.

  1. A NON BoB may not ever PK, Steal from or Loot players.
    PENALTY: PK flagged for life
  2. A BoB may not ever PK, Steal from or Loot NON-BoB players
    PENALTY: loss 25% exp, if the player continues deletion.
  3. A NON BoB may never assist a Bob in killing (i.e. healing a Bob)
  4. A NON BoB may NEVER take items from another's corpse or cause anthers corpse to be lost/destroyed by means of a dump/mob or any other means.
    PENALTY: PK flagged for life
In the above named instances PK means: