> Valhalla On Line Help File

Valhalla On Line Help File


Use this command to toggle weather or not telnet is assumed by the game.

See Also:

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You must enter a terminal type: 'dumb', 'tty' or 'ansi'. If you have the incorrect terminal setting you may get garbage characters instead of words and letters.

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Advanced info about Valhalla:

The time in the game runs 12 times faster than real time, thus each hour is 5 minutes long, and each day is 2 hours long. There are 14 days per month and a total of nine months per year. Thus a Valhalla month passes in 28 hours, and a year passes in 252 hours (10 days and 12 hours).

In one real year 35 Valhalla years pass.

To change the way in which the game is personalized for YOU, try help on the following subjects:

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Usage: practice (skill|weapon|ability)

practice strength
practice hand axe
practice flee

This command enables you to raise your abilities, and practice your skills, spells and weapons. The command can only be used at a teacher. Different teachers teach different abilities and skills, spells or weapons and the cost is different in each guild. Your race also modifies this cost.

When you look at your 'status' you will notice you have got a certain amount of skill and ability practice points. The skill-points are used for practicing spells, weapons and skills. The ability-points are used for practicing abilities (str,dex,con, etc).

All your abilities and knowledge about spells, weapons and skills are in the range [0..200] percent. You can only get above 150% by finding magic items or very unique special teachers.

Each time you raise a level you get more skill and ability points, and thus you can get better abilities and better spell, weapon and skill knowledge.

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get (item)
get (item) in/from (item)
get all
get all from (item)

get all from corpse
get butter bread from bag
put brass lantern in small bag
get all

Notice the essential use of the IN and FROM keywords!

If you see an item lying around, you can pick it up, use this command. If there is an item in a container that you wish to get, you can pick it up, specifying the container to get it from. If you just want to get everything lying around, type 'get all'.

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Usage: time

This command tells you what time of day it is in the world. This is useful when you want to see if your favorite shop is open or not, or if the city-gates will be locked at the time.

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typo (typo string)

This command is used to report typos to the creators. If you have a really bad typo to report, you should contact an immortal or implementor directly. If you are found to have knowledge of a bug you MUST tell an immortal what the bug is. If You refuse to tell a god your character may be frozen/change passworded or deleted. If you are found to be abusing a bug you may find your character deleted or lowered in levels/experience. Punishment is determined by the immortal you are dealing with.

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Usage: drink (drink container)

This is the way to drink liquid. You can buy various types of drink containers, which are able to contain different amounts of liquid. It is vitally important that you drink, so you should always carry a drink container with you. If you don't drink anything, you will start getting messages saying that you are thirsty. At that time, you will not regain any of your points. If you still refuse to drink, you will start to loose points. In the end, you will die. Note that drinks can be intoxicating, and that poisoning is possible.

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Usage: taste

This command is almost similar to eat, it will tell you what the food tastes like. Beside that you will eat much less, than if you use the command eat.

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Usage: group (character)

Groups of characters are good to have, if you want to go on a big adventure. Groups are often safer, as you are protected by other group members. When someone in a group and they get experience, the amount is shared among the group members according to the members levels. To form a group, you start by figuring out who is to be the leader. The leader is going to get beat up the most, so make a good choice. Then all who want to be in the group will have to follow the leader. This alone does not make a person part of the group. The leader will have to make each person which is following him member of the group, like 'group papi' which will make papi a member. To kick a player out of the group, you just type the same thing. To stop the player you jusst kicked out of the group from following you, you may ditch them. If you would like to see who is in the group, you just type 'group' with no arguments.

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Usage: light (torch)|(lantern)
light lantern
hold lantern

This command enables you to light a torch or a lamp or whatever light-source you are carrying. A light source will not shed any light unless it is equipped somehow, for example by holding it in your hand. Some light sources are not strong enough to light up a location, for example a small torch is not strong enough to make you see inside the deepest and darkest part of the Haon-Dor forest. To get more light, buy a stronger light source (for example a lantern).

See Also:
spell light

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This class gives the character good dexterity, thus making it easy to learn skills, and master weapons which require a high degree of dex. The thief is often unpopular with both players and monsters due to his highly questionable skills.

See Also:
Thief Skills
Thief Weapons
Thief Spells

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Appraisal1 Backstab1
Consider1 Climb 1
Diagnostics1 Disarm12
First Aid 9 Fleeing1
Filtching 0 Hide1
Peek0 Pick Lock1
Pick pocket0 Scroll use13
Search 1 Shield 1
Sneak1 Steal2
Swimming 1 Tripping7
Two handed style19 Ventriloquate1

See Also:
Thief Weapons
Thief Spells

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Weapon Level
Long sword12
Short sword 3

See Also:
Thief Skills
Thief Spells

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Xray Vision10

See Also:
Thief Skills
Thief Weapons

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tell (character)(words to tele-communicate)

You may speak to a player that is anywhere in the game with the use of the tell command. Beware that immortals or gods can intercept any message you deliver or receive (although it is considered rude to do so!) Tell enables you to communicate via telepathy with a character who for one reason or another is not at the same location as you are. No other player will hear this. Be warned that a player can stop receiving tells by using the not (no tell) command.

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Tuborg is a very famous and great tasting Danish beer. In Valhalla it refills you with endurance, gives you a few hitpoints and cures drowsiness whenever you drink a bottle of Green Tuborg.

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Usage: title

The title of a character is what you see when you use the ' who' command. For example, your title could be "Merlin the human Sorcerer". In your guild you can change your title by using the title command at your guildmaster. He will then assign an appropriate title according to your level. If you are in a clan you may also get a title from your clan leader.

(The title of a room is the very first line of the room description, for example: "Inside the cabin")

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Usage: turn (undead)
Example: turn zombie

Are you afraid of undeads? The turn-skill might be the answer. If you use it, undeads will flee from you. That is, if you succeed.

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Usage: trip (character)

Trip is a maneuver in combat to knock the opponent out of combat for a short while. The opponent usually recovers briefly, so one must take advantage quickly. Note that not all creatures are tripable.

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Sphere: Poison Sphere

Usage: toxicate (target)

This spell poisons drink or food, or makes a humanoid target suffer under the effects of poison.

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Sphere: Summoning Sphere

Usage: transport (target)

This spell will transport you to the target character or location. It only works on the same continent as your are presently on.

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Sphere: Summoning Sphere

Usage: total recall

This spell will transport an entire group back home.

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