This command starts a fight! This fight will go on until one is unconscious, dead or flees the scene. When fighting you will use whatever weapon wielded, or use your bare hands. If your victim falls and is only stunned, incapacitated or mortally wounded, you must issue the command again if you wish to kill the victim. During the fight, you can issue other additional orders, thus giving your foe more damage. Attacking playing characters is considered a crime, but it is possible.
To lock something, you need a key. If you have the key in your equipment-list, you can lock locks, that require that key, just by using this command, like 'lock box'. If it is not an item, but some sort of a door hatch etc. It will have a keyword, like 'lock gate'.
Assassins are the hired killers of the land. The dabble slightly in the magics but not to a great deal. They mainly rely on thier stealth and wit to get them through the day.
Knock can be useful if you are trapped inside rooms, boxes (coffins), etc. It allows people on the other side to hear the knocking.
Use that special karate kick to smash you foe to bits. That is, if you're good at it.