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The Valhalla FAQ |
A: The game engine is developed and maintained by some of the people
that originally coded DikuMud. The Valhalla engine is designed and
optimized for the builders of the game to expand ond develop the game
as they like. In most DikuMud derivatives you are limited by having to
make the code you put in work, and notr crash the entire game all the
time. Steps has been taken to ensure that this does not happend in
Valhalla. The game itself is shielded from the programs that the
builders make for their computer controlled characters, quests and
intelligent swords, etc. Thus enabling greater variety and a larger
number of developers to be maintained easier. As an effect you will
experience a more stable game, that at the same time is developing
fast, and with lots of special features, such as spells and
skills, or
interresting quests supplied by the builders.
A: We are constantly developing. So asking how long 'this' game has been
around is hard to answer. If a date is to be mentioned, the game as you
see it has been around since about 1993. During its time it has evolved,
and various ideas have been tried out. We still experiment with new ideas,
so the game have not, and probably will never reach a 'final state'.
A: There are many ways to connect to the Mud so we have made a page
called Enter Valhalla to help you find the
way that suits you best.
A: The characters you use for your name is limited to something that
is reltively easy typable for others. You may call your character by a
name that uses usual ASCII characters, and you may use both capital
and normal letters as you please, though the first letter is always
capital. Thus a name like DeArtagnan is possible.
A: Well, what race do you want to be? You can take a look at the diferent races here. Each of these races vary in height, weight, lifespan, and abilities to master various arts. If you are unsure what any of this means, pick the human race as it is the best overall race.
A: Guilds are organizations of people with the same trade, or way of life. As you begin, you're a member of such an organization. The guild is the primary way of improving your abilities in this game, as well as your only way to learn certain spells and skills. Each time you earn enough experience points to raise a level you may go to your guild and train in these abilities, skills and spells, thus increasing your ability to battle tougher and tougher monsters.
To see which commands are available in a guild, find the guildmaster and look
at the sign hanging next to him. The guilds are as follows:
A: Generally, both the attack and defence (if applicable) on some
specific spell, skill or use of weapons depend on both some ability as well as how proficient you
are. As an example, if some creature casts a spell on you, you try defending yourself by
turning the magic. If you have good magic
abilities, and if youre proficient in the specific spell the creature is using, or know about
the general magic sphere that spell is in, you have a higher chance of
being unaffected by the magic. The same is the case in use of weapons.
If youre strong and agile, and if
your have knowledge of the weapon your opponent is using, you have a
higher chance of avoiding being hit.
A: Generally, you practice your skills and
abilities in your guilds. You might be
able to gain skills in other places, but
you mainly train in your guild. The practice command enables you to
raise your abilities, and practice your
skills, spells
and weapons. The command can only be used
at a teacher. Different teachers teach different abilities,
skills and spells or weapons and the cost is different in
each guild. Your race also modifies this cost.
A: Well, relative is the right word. However, if you stay close to
Udgaard, where you start out, you should be relatively safe. You might
even venture to take the trip to Midgaard, the larger city.
A: Clans are designed to accomodate relatively small groups of people who want to join together for a common purpose. Clan benefits include a home, a tattoo, a secure clan channel, a clan bulletin board, a clan donation chest, and more.
To start a clan the person who wishes to be the Clan Master simply goes to
Douglas and uses the APPLY command. The application will get sent to the Clan
gods who will approve it, write your clan home, and install it into Valhalla.
When this is done you simply go back to Douglas and use the CHECK command. He
will give the Clan Master powers to you and giving you the ability to induct
members, expel members, retire, and more.
A: The 'comm' channels are channels of communication. They allow
players to discuss different stuff. You control the creation of channels
yourself, and you can communicate with everyone else on the same channel
by typing the channelname before the message you want everyone who
is 'on' the same channel to hear. Especially, you might want to chat with
other players of the same guild.
Q: What does AFK or BRB mean?
A: Theres alot of 'lingo' used in mud's all around. Mostly wierd
shorthands for common situations. AFK is Away From Keyboard, and
BRB is Be Right Back. Also phonetic shorthands are common, such as
'ne1' = 'any one', 'and 'cul8r' = 'See you later'. If you hang around
enough you'll get used to them and start using them yourself, you'll C.
A: Recently we collected a number of commands changing the setup of a
player into one command. The command is now called 'change', and it has lots of optios.
A: The Book of Blood is the one and only way that a player will be allowed to PK on the mud. Basically after level 10, you go to the library in midgaard and sign the book. Once you sign the book you may never have your PK flag removed, do NOT bother to ask the gods to remove it. There should NEVER be an instance where a non-Book of Blood signer is PKed or PKing. If this happens it is considered bug abuse and grounds for deletion. Here is a list of SOME of the rules of BoB and their penalties.
In the above named instances PK means:
A: For small ideas ton a given zone, you may use the
'idea' command,
then the creator of that zone can view yours and other ideas when they
log on. If you want to create zones all of your own, you should contact
the admin, and you will be assigned a sort of supervisor. Usually you
should come up with a theme first, so that we can coordinate the
effords and avoid two people working on virtually the same idea. Your
creational freedom in making a zone is goverened by a few rules, that
we keep to ensure quality and stability of the game. You can view all
documentation on the WWW pages in the
'builders library'
A: HEY! .. we don't like whiners!
.. seriously. If theres something youre not satisfied with in the
game, such as things that are out of order, or such, you may complain to
any god. If you want to complain about the behaviour of a given god,
you should email the administration as a whole. And there will be some
kind of hearing about the case. A list of Admin and their email addresses
can be found using the 'wizlist' command.
A: Well, be nice to them, help them find their way, lend the equipment,
or food. Heal their wounds or give them some gold if they lack.
A: The immortals on this game are those who have played the game for
some time and have now chosen to become programmers and
administrators. As a rule you should not bother an immortal player as
they are generally on the game to test something or to speak with a
specific player. A list of Admin and their email addresses can be
found using the 'wizlist' command.
A: Usually the title of God is reserved for people that work actively
for the game. In order to maintain some organizational layout we limit
the number of people of a given 'rank' or function. Thus if a god is
not active for some reason, he/she is usually demoted so another can
step forward and fill the place. The most common Godhood function is
that of a builder. Creating quality work will gain you such a rank
among the gods of Valhalla. Occasionally immortal players will arrange
an online quest or other event. However, immortals are generally
barred from interfering with mortal players and can be deleted from
the game for doing so.
A: If you are using NCSA telnet for the Macintosh this happens often,
don't panic, there is a 'hit RETURN to continue' at the end of all
that garbage, go up to the 'Session' menu and select 'Reset
Terminal'.Then you can hit return and the characters will be normal
again. (You may have to do this every time you log in)
A: There is something screwy about the way or amount of Carriage
Returns NCSA Telnet sends after you enter your username, the best way
to override this is to open a SimpleText document and put your
username and password on the first and second line respectively, now
you can cut and paste those lines to the telnet session when it asks
for your username and you can bypass hitting the enter key.
A: Yes, you should go to the business section of www.valhalla.com.
A: Valhalla is basically free to play, but we do appreciate your donation showing your appreciation for the huge amount of work which has gone into making this the best mud ever.
A donation of just $30 or more per year will allow you access to *all* areas of Valhalla (without the donation your selection of area is limited but the game is still free of charge).
You are also able to show your appreciation of our work by bribing us
into giving you certain benefits. For example, you can get your own
temple constructed, get your name engraved on a stone tablet or buy
special skills and benefits. For more
information type 'help donations' on the mud.
In order to make your donation or pay for benefits, you use a credit card, check, or money order. You can also access out secure onlie order process using you credit card, for more information on this click the 'Donation' button off the main page. Our addresses are: Canada: Ken Perry / Blinksoft Consulting Box 967 Sooke BC Canada, V0S1N0 United States: Blinksoft Consulting 4023 Chaderton Ct Duluth, GA 30096 Email: Ken Perry: Whistler@valhalla.com Kathy Perry: Palio@valhalla.com Tim Perry: Tperry@valhalla.com If you are using snail mail please use the Canada address if you can because it is faster. The United states mail gets routed to Canada but for our American customers we have made an american mail address availible for cheap mailing. For information about sending personal checks or money orders please see 'help check'.
Q: I live abroad, how do i pay then?A: If you have a creditcard that we accept, no special things apply to the procedure above. If not, talk with your bank on how to make a moneyorder to Valhalla MUD / Blinksoft Consulting. (see also 'help check')