Valhalla Mud Engine (VME)
Based on DikuMud, design by:
- Hans Henrik Stærfeldt [God]
- Sebastian Hammer [Quinn]
- Michael Seifert [Papi]
- Lars Balker Rasmussen [Gnort]
Current Coding Staff:
Valhalla Mud Administrators:
- Mark Pringle [Darg] Areas Master
- Judd Caruso [Mesmer] DIL master
- Danny Johnson [Jarin] Guild Master
Past contributions from:
- Brian Clark [Cabal] - World Administration
- Andrew Cowan [Icculus] - Major world contibutions and original DIL coding
- Michael Curran - The new and improved combat messages.
- Mads Haahr - Midgaard (II) and various useful ideas.
Special thanks to:
- [Kaio] For supplying money and hardware for the new servers and line.
- Zoomba for supplying hardware.
- Execl for supplying hardware.
- Fata Morgana for supplying hardware.
- DJO for buying 16M memory and supplying an internet link
- Jasper Koolhaas for many hours of hard labor to help make this mud
Further thanks to:
- Ragnar Loenn, Alf Salte, and Bill Wisner.
For help and inspiration.
Please note
Denmark is a country. Danish is a language. Danes are the people living in
Denmark. A danish is famous Danish pastry. DikuMud is made by Danes.
(Yes, we're tired of being mistaken for Swedes and Dutchmen).
Diku is: The department of computer science at the University of Copenhagen
The Valhalla MUD Page, as featured on: |
![Yahoo](images/Icons/yahoo.gif) |
![Tuborg](images/Icons/tuborg.gif) |