notes "What can I say but this will be short and probably not a very fun
zone to adventure in! Send all complaints to: Andrew Cowan"
help "My, what a tiny zone you're in! Beware the death room, it's been
said that visitors to this room often find things mildly uncomfortable."
/* ****************************** */
names {"cluttered room"}
title "A Cluttered Room"
"This room is very cluttered, in fact it's so cluttered that it's difficult
to find an empty place to stand! Scattered all about the room are various
maps made recently by explorers, as well as assorted trinkets from around
the globe. Through the exit to the north, Midgaard stands proudly.
There is a strange hinge in the floor between two maps here."
extra {"various maps", "maps", "map"}
"Newly received information allowed for these maps to be made. Though many
died to ensure safe transport of this information, the contents will prove
their value in time!"
extra {"assorted trinkets", "trinkets", "trinket"}
"All sorts of neat stuff it seems, forming a wondrous plethora of fun looking
toys. It sure brings back the days when life was easier!"
extra {"hinges", "hinge"}
"Looks like there may be a hidden exit here! Could this be a trapdoor?"
extra {"$leave_s", "d"}
"You carefully drop down through the trapdoor."
extra {"$leave_o", "d"}
"$1n carefully drops down through the trapdoor, making as little noise as
movement SECT_INSIDE
north to market_sq@midgaard descr "The amazing city of Midgaard is there";
down to death_room open {EX_OPEN_CLOSE, EX_CLOSED, EX_LOCKED, EX_HIDDEN}
key death_key keyword {"trapdoor", "door", "hinge", "floor"};
end /* cluttered_room */
/* ****************************** */
- %rooms
- Like the %zone label, this label tells the compiler that we are going
to define the rooms in this section of the program.
- cluttered_room
- This name will be the symbolic name of the room that we just made. It
is important that the first line of a room definition has this symbolic
name on a line by itself. To refer to this room in any dil program or
on the mud you can use the symbolic format. That is, for this room,
cluttered_room@tiny_zone is the way to refer to it. For dil
afficienados, "cluttered_room" is the nameidx field of the room and
"tiny_zone" is the zoneidx. "findroom(cluttered_room@tiny_zone)"
will create a unitptr which lets you manipulate the room in dil.
- names {"cluttered room"}
- This command defines the name of the room that would be used if you
were, for example, trying to teleport to the room. This field is not
required, and can be left out unless you feel that the room is in some
way special, that is, rooms that will be well travelled. If you wanted
to define more than one name for this room, you could do it in the
following manner:
- names {"cluttered room", "messy room"}
Thus, this room could now be teleported to using either 'cluttered
room' or 'messy room' as the keyword. Gods can also use these names
with the 'goto' command, which believe me is much nicer than using
the symbolic format repeatedly.
(NOTE): You should follow this simple convention for name-lists:
Put all names which are a subset of others later in the list, following
their superset. For example, in a room named 'The Room of Light
Magic' the namelist could look like this:
- names {"room of light magic", "room of light", "room of magic"}
It may not seem important, but due to the way namelists are searched
it does turn out to be.
title "A Cluttered Room"
The title is what players see as they enter the room. The title acts
like a room name as far as mortals are concerned so keep this in mind
before choosing obscure titles!
descr "blah blah blah..."
The descr is what you will see when you walk into a room (provided you
aren't in brief mode). This description is basically the room layout,
or as much of it as is given to the mortals inside. Room descriptions
are possibly the most important aspect of any zone, for no matter how
great the equipment is inside, if the room descriptions are not well
thought out, the players lose interest and the zone loses its link!
extra {"blah-blah blah", "blah-blah", "blah"}
The extra descriptions are used in conjunction with the room
description. If you describe something within the room description,
you MUST make an extra description for that item. I warn you, this is
very, very tedious for large zones, but the logic is simple to see why
they must be there. If I enter a room and the description says 'There
is an ugly rug in the corner.', chances are I will type 'look rug' to
get a closer inspection. If there is not an extra description defined
for the rug, the mud will tell me 'You do not see that here' when it
just told me it was there a second ago! So there must be an extra
description defined for everything mentioned in room descriptions.
(NOTE): As with name-lists, all items in an extra description
which are subsets of other items should be put later in the list. For
example, if you want to create an extra description for 'various maps'
you might do it as follows:
- extra {"various maps", "maps", "map"}
(NOTE from Eirinn): Some extras are special, and these are
known as the Extended Extra Tags set. They
let you change the default messages people see when they do certain things.
In this case, I've shown how you can change what messages are sent when
someone leaves down through the secret trapdoor in cluttered_room, simply
by adding the following:
- extra {"$leave_s", "d"}
"You carefully drop down through the trapdoor."
extra {"$leave_o", "d"}
"$1n carefully drops down through the trapdoor, making as little
noise as possible."
(NOTE): The "$leave_s" extra is the text displayed to "self" -
the person actually doing the action of moving down through the trapdoor.
The "d" stands for the direction which should trigger this message, in this
case, down. The "$leave_o" is analgous to the "$leave_s" message, but it
is shown to others in the cluttered_room as the player leaves down. There
are a variety of these extras and they are very handy for customising your
zone. My favourites are the wear, get, drop and remove extra tags which
let you change what people see when they perform these actions on a
certain item of equipment for example. These and the rest are detailed in
the Extended Extra Tags set document.
Several flags for rooms are defined in vme.h.
Flags on rooms act as
little extras to make our rooms more interesting. Our room will be
indoors, and will not give players information about the weather. Some
flags which you can use are:
- UNIT_FL_NO_TELEPORT -- Prevents teleporting to/from the room.
- UNIT_FL_NO_MOB -- Prevents wandering mobs from wandering into
the room.
- UNIT_FL_NO_WEATHER -- Players in the room won't get weather
information. Use this flag on indoor/underground rooms.
- UNIT_FL_INDOORS -- Set this flag if the room is not an open-air
room, such as a cave or in a building.
movement SECT_INSIDE
This line tells the mud how much endurance each move should cost when
leaving the room. There are many to choose from although some appear
to be disabled. The complete list of sector types is in
vme.h and
you can try them all. If the compiler gives you parse errors on any
sector type, it means it is disabled and you should try another.
Here's a partial lists of sector types that are available:
- SECT_WATER_SAIL -- A boat is needed to move in this type of room.
north to market_sq@midgaard descr "The amazing city of Midgaard is
This line is the standard method of defining a room connection from
one zone to another. In this case, going north will take you from
cluttered_room@tiny_zone to the market square of Midgaard. If you
wish to connect a room in your zone to an existing room of some other
zone, you will need to find out its symbolic name and reference it
using the format shown (room_name@zone_name). To connect rooms that
are in the same zone you can simply use the symbolic room name. For
example, if we were connecting a room within tiny_zone to
cluttered_room, we might write:
- east to cluttered_room descr "A very messy room is there.";
The descr which follows this connection definition is a description
that will be seen when someone in the room types 'look east'. You
should always include these directional descriptions when building
your zone.
down to death_room open {EX_OPEN_CLOSE, EX_CLOSED,
key death_key keyword {"trapdoor", "door", "hinge", "floor"};
These three lines describe just one thing, a hidden trapdoor which
leads down to a room with symbolic name death_room. The key things to
notice are the open flags, the keyword section, and only in cases of
hidden doors, the level of search required to find this door.
The open flags are what tells the mud that the exit is in fact a door
and, in our example, we also make it closed, locked, and hidden on
reset (means players must search to locate it). EX_OPEN_ClOSE defines
a door, EX_CLOSED and EX_LOCKED tell the mud to close and lock the
door on reset, while EX_HIDDEN tells the mud that this door should be
hidden to all players who haven't searched and found it.
The 'key death_key' line means that only the key with symbolic name
death_key will unlock this door. A key is not necessary for doors
(since many can pick locks or cast unlock) but if you wish, you can
define one with 'key key_name' which is specific for the door. We must
now remember to write the definition for the death_key, which will be
done in the %objects section. To make a door pickproof, set the
EX_PICKPROOF flag on it.
The list of names under 'keyword' defines the things that a player can
search for to successfully find the door. For doors that are not
hidden, this list acts like a namelist and defines what the player can
look at to see the door.
(NOTE): For doors that are not hidden, a descr "blah blah" must
also be added so that the command 'look door' will yield results. For
- east to death_room open {EX_OPEN_CLOSE}
descr "There is a door here." keyword {"door"};
Because our door is hidden, the description has been left out. The
keywords then become the list of things a player can search for to find
the door. The first name in this list defines what the player will see
if they do in fact find the door. For example, if I type 'search
hinge' and am successful, I will receive a message saying 'You discover
a hidden trapdoor'. Additionally, a comment from Papi is that with all
secret exits, you should include the surface which the exit is located
on within the keyword list, ie floor, wall, ceiling, etc. should be one
of the keywords.
The SECRET_DOOR_DIFFICULTY specifies the exit direction (in case of
more than one hidden exit) and the 'skill level' required to search
out the exit, in our case level 10. This does not mean players below
level 10 cannot search here, it means players with a search skill
comparable to level 10 have a good chance at success. Remember it
only takes one successful search so really anyone can get lucky and
find the exit, but levels 10 and up can do it consistently.
This line defines the light for the room. In this case, the room will
always be well lit. If this line is left out, the room darkness will
be determined by the MUD based on time of day and whether or not the
room is inside or outside.
end /* cluttered_room */
End defines the end of the room. The additional comment, signifying
which room was just defined, has been added for aesthetics.
/* ****************************** */
names {"room of death", "death room"}
title "The Room of Death"
"The stink is so deep, it seems to take on a life all its own and
it is actually visible! Carcasses lay scattered about
like so much rubbish, and splintered bones are arranged in a haphazard
fashion all about the room. There looks to be some sort of nest in the corner
of the room."
extra {"stink"}
"Yes, it can actually be seen - this smell is so powerful!"
extra {"carcasses", "carcass", "corpse", "body"}
"There are many, all perished in truly horrid ways! Some are missing
limbs, most appear chewed, and you notice charred flesh remaining on a few
such corpses. Definitely looks like a dragon's work."
extra {"splintered bones", "bones", "bone"}
"Something was very hungry for there is very little remaining on most
of these bones, even the marrow looks to have been sucked out!"
extra {"corner", "nest"}
"This is definitely a nest here, and from what you can tell, the owner is
very large!"
movement SECT_INSIDE
up to cluttered_room open {EX_OPEN_CLOSE, EX_CLOSED}
descr "There is a door here." keyword {"door"};
special SFUN_DEATH_ROOM "100" time WAIT_SEC*20
end /* death_room */
/* ****************************** */
- (NOTE): Since much of the coding for this room is the same as
what was explained for cluttered_room, only the new ideas that are here
will be discussed.
- up to cluttered_room open {EX_OPEN_CLOSE, EX_CLOSED}
descr "There is a door here." keyword {"door"};
- As was described for cluttered_room, this is the way to make a door
that is not hidden. Since anyone who is in this room would have
obviously already found the hidden door, we do not make this door
hidden, thus saving players the trouble of having to search for a door
that they've already found. Things to notice about the description of
a door that isn't hidden are:
- The EX_HIDDEN flag is not set.
- A descr of this door has been added, allowing players to 'look
door'. Additionally, if you open or close the door you will get
the message 'You open the door.' If you wanted to make a gate
instead of a door, you could change the descr and set the first
keyword to "gate". When you opened the gate you would then get
the message 'You open the gate.'
- (NOTE): You should take CAREFUL notice that every directional
exit statement must end with a semicolon (;). I have found that about
80% of the parse errors I get from zone compilations are due to either
forgetting a semicolon, or forgetting a " in an extra description.
- special SFUN_DEATH_ROOM "100" time WAIT_SEC*20
- OK, this line is a call to a special assignment. There are many of
these, check in vme.h
to see a full list. Special assignments can
be used for rooms, mobiles, and objects. The SFUN_DEATH_ROOM special
says that this room will be a death trap, and we specify 100 as the
number of hitpoints to be deducted. However, please note that this is
actually 10.0 hitpoints... to take off 100 we would have to use the
value 1000. The 10.0 hitpoints will be deducted every 20 seconds so we
are actually giving the players a great chance to escape mostly intact!
- Some SFUN's that are fun to use with rooms include:
- SFUN_FORCE_MOVE -- To force a player to go to a certain room.
- SFUN_DEATH_ROOM -- Deducts hitpoints at specified intervals.
- (NOTE): The SFUN_DEATH_ROOM routine will deduct hitpoints from
BOTH players AND mobs. Additionally, rooms that cause instant death
are frowned upon. Can you say that you would actually LIKE a room
that killed you before you had a chance to escape?
- (NOTE from Eirinn): We are currently trying to replace all
SFUNs with dil code. There are various reasons for this, but one of
best is that it is easier for us to control dil programs than base code.
To this end, we have replaced one of the most widely used,
the aggressive and reverse alignment agressive functions with a much
more powerful and flexible dil version which allows very specific
types of aggression (eg you can have a nasty dwarf who doesn't like female
elves under level 30 if they're not evil). So if you want to use an
SFUN, please check if there is a better dil version available first. We
don't allow the aggressive SFUN anymore, so please don't use it. See
the Mobiles section for an example of the new aggressive
- The romflags function
has been made obselete. All of those flags are now UNIT flags which are
accessed with the flags command mentioned earlier. This includes the old
romflags ROOM_FL_SACRED - it is now UNIT_FL_SACRED. Similarly, ROOM_NOSAVE
is now UNIT_FL_NOSAVE. UNIT_FL_SACRED is typically used to create a
sacred room, ie one that gives healing at twice the normal
rate (Like the Chicken's rest, Inner Sanctum or the Udgaard Temple).
Please don't overuse the sacred flag - sacred rooms should be rare.
- flags {UNIT_FL_SACRED}
- (NOTE): No light value has been defined for this room, so it
should be dark always.
/* ****************************** */
names {"tiamat", "dragon"}
title "Tiamat"
descr "Tiamat, the Queen of all evil dragonkind is here."
extra {}
"Tiamat is the most powerful evil dragon known to exist. Her massive body
is topped with the heads of all five of her guardian dragons. Her claws are
huge, and her scales are multi-colored. She has come to this place to spawn
evil dragons and obviously does not like your presence. In a way, this dragon
is very beautiful in all of her splendor, but at the same time, the sheer evil
of this beast could make the strongest warrior cower in fear."
level 160
alignment -1000
height 2650
weight 5300
money 5 GOLD_PIECE
exp 115
dilcopy combat_mag@function("fire breath","",0,1);
dilcopy aggressive@function(0, -1, 0, 10, 1, 20, 0, "ANY",
{"$1n attacks $3n!", "$1n attacks you!"});
end /* dragon_tiamat */
/* ****************************** */
- %mobiles
- Like the %zone and %rooms labels, this label tells the compiler that we
will be defining mobs in this section of the program.
- dragon_tiamat
- Like a room name, this line is the symbolic name of the mob which we
are defining. This name must be on a line by itself. When referring
to Tiamat symbolically, we can now refer to dragon_tiamat@tiny_zone.
- names {"tiamat", "dragon"}
- Just like the room names. These are useful for teleports or gotos.
- descr "Tiamat, the Queen of all evil dragonkind is here."
- This description is what a player sees when he/she walks into a room.
- extra {} "blah blah blah..."
- The 'extra {}' line is a way of allowing players to 'look tiamat'.
Whenever anyone types either 'look tiamat' or 'look dragon', they will
see this description. The fact that there is nothing between the {
and } signifies that it is an extra description on the entire mobile.
- level 160
- Self-explanatory. Tiamat is a level 160 mob. Not for newbies...
- alignment -1000
- This is the alignment of Tiamat. -1000 is as evil as a creature can be.
-350 to 350 is neutral, while 350 to 1000 is considered good.
- This is the race of Tiamat. values.h
contains the complete list of
possible races.
- (NOTE Added by PAPI) If you encounter a race which is
non-existant, please add it yourself by using "#define RACE_LOBSTER nnnn"
where nnnn is a number that is UNUSED in values.h
for RACE_XXX. Then
later the administrators will insert it into values.h. At that point
you will get a "warning: ... redefined". When this happens, simply
erase your own definitions as they are now a part of values.h.
- Hopefully this won't need to be explained to you (*grin*) There are
three sexes to choose from:
- height 2650
- The height of a mob will take some getting used to unless you are a
wiz with the metric system. Height is in centimeters, so Tiamat will
have a height of 2.65 meters, or about nine feet.
- weight 5300
- Weight is given in pounds. Weight will have an effect on the maximum
damage that a mob can do using a natural attack (such as fist or claw).
- money 5 GOLD_PIECE
- We load her with 5 gold pieces on every zone reset.
- (NOTE) There are several guidelines for money, experience
bonuses, armour types, and many other items which MUST be followed for
your zone to be approved. The full list is available in
- exp 115
- Players who kill Tiamat will receive 115% of the normal experience
Thus, killing Tiamat will give you a 15% experience bonus versus what
you would get from killing a lvl 160 mob without an experience bonus.
There are some guidelines for this that you must follow which you can
read about in limits.txt.
- This line defines the mobile's natural attack and defense types, which
figures into battle accordingly. The natural attack type will specify
which battle messages get sent, i.e. for a natural attack type WPN_CLAW
we can expect to see messages like 'Tiamat slashes you with her claws',
rather than something which would make no sense like 'Tiamat pounds you
with her fists'. The various possibilities for natural attacks are all
listed in values.h. Some of the more common
ones are:
- The natural armour type determines how tough the mobiles' skin will be,
ie what type of armour is best comparable to her skin. She is a dragon,
dragons have scales and since we want her to be rather 'thick skinned',
she deserves the best, namely ARM_PLATE. The possible values for
natural armour are:
- ARM_CLOTHES -- The weakest of the five.
- ARM_PLATE -- The toughest of the five.
- MSET_ABILITY(18, 15, 16, 19, 9, 14, 9, 0)
MSET_WEAPON(4, 5, 4, 4, 9, 4)
MSET_SPELL(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 11, 20, 11, 11, 11)
- The MSET_ listings are what tell the mud exactly what Tiamat's stats
are going to be. The numbers in MSET_ definitions define the following
abilities, weapon skills, and spell skills:
- MSET_ABILITY(str, dex, con, hpp, bra, cha, mag, div)
MSET_WEAPON(axe_ham, sword, club_mace, flail_pole, unarmed, special)
MSET_SPELL(div, pro, det, sum, cre, min, hea, col, cel, int,
Please note that the total of all abilities MUST add up to exactly 100,
and the total value for weapon skills and spell skills COMBINED must
also add to 100. These numbers are interpreted internally along with
the mob's level to determine the mob's actual stats. A value of 20 in
any skill/ability on a 200 level mob will correspond to an actual
skill/ability level of 200. Similarly, a 20 skill/ability on a 100
level mob will correspond to an actual skill/ability of 100.
The MSET_ definitions as well as all of the other information needed to
create a mob is explained in greater detail in the monsters.txt doc.
Please check that doc if you have any questions.
(NOTE) In composed.h are the definitions of many, many types of mobs.
Thus, if you do not feel like programming the MSET_'s, NATURAL_DEF,
alignment, etc., you could simply use a pre-defined macro. For
example, we could replace all of the lines from 'level 160' through
'MSET_SPELL' with the following line:
This call would do exactly the same thing as the twelve lines which we
entered by using the information contained in the M_DRAGON_GREEN macro
in composed.h (The level 160 and sex SEX_FEMALE serve as arguments
here, telling the mud that we want a female, level 160 green dragon).
In general, we are trying to slowly add a steady base of macros to the
composed.h file so try to get into the habit of using what is already
defined whenever possible.
dilcopy combat_mag@function("fire breath","",0,1);
dilcopy aggressive@function(0, -1, 0, 10, 1, 20, 0, "ANY",
{"$1n attacks $3n!", "$1n attacks you!"});
These two commands are examples of special functions you can use
in your zones to bring life and special abilities to your mobiles and
objects. In this case, these two
commands define a breath weapon for Tiamat (you can make her heal
herself as well as cast spells [at the same time] using the combat_mag
function), and also tell the mud that
we want her to randomly attack anyone who is in the room with her, as
long as they are over level 10,
checking to see if anyone is present every twenty ticks. Please
note you must use dilcopy and nothing else (the old special DILCOPY
does not work anymore).
Other special functions are listed in function.zon. A few of these include:
- dilcopy wander_zones@function({"halfzon", "haon_dor"}, 5, 1);
-- This makes the mob wander the zones halfzon and haon_dor,
changing room every 5 seconds and opening doors if they block the
- dilcopy shopkeeper@function(See function.zon for details);
-- Turn a mob into a shopkeeper. You need to define some things like
his merchandise and times of opening, etc. See function.zon for
- dilcopy blow_away@function(180, "A big object vanishes!") --
Make something dissappear
after roughly 180 seconds with the message "A big object
Though SFUNs aren't as widely used anymore (mainly because we're
trying to phase them all out), the SFUNs in
vme.h are handy. Here are the nicest ones:
- special SFUN_RESCUE "mob_name" -- Mob will try to rescue
specified mob.
- special SFUN_TEAMWORK "mob_name" -- Mob will join in a fight when
specified mob is also fighting.
Just like for the room, you can define flags for mobs and items.
This flag lets Tiamat see invisible things (including players).
The flags list can be found in vme.h. Other
useful flags for mobs include:
- CHAR_PROTECTED -- The mob will be protected by the law.
- CHAR_HIDE -- The mob will be hidden.
- CHAR_SNEAK -- The mob will be in sneaking mode.
- CHAR_WIMPY -- The mob flees from combat when its hp is low.
The 'end' tag signifies that we have finished our definition of the
specific mob. The added comment is there merely for aesthetics.
/* ****************************** */
names {"human sacrifice", "sacrifice", "human"}
title "A human sacrifice"
descr "A human sacrifice waits here for his death."
extra {}
" He looks very gaunt, almost to the point of starvation. His bones
show clearly through the skin and you can tell its been very long since
his last meal. There are tattoos all over his arms and legs, all seem
to be of a dragon, one which you recognize as the dragon Queen."
/* Dil to make the sacrifice 'sacrifice' himself */
dilbegin sacrifice1();
code {
- :init:
- heartbeat := PULSE_SEC*20;
- on_activation((self.position <= POSITION_SLEEPING) or
(self.position == POSITION_FIGHTING), skip);
- :start:
- exec("emote shifts uneasily, obviously he is nervous.", self); pause;
- exec("say My time has come now, pity me not.", self); pause;
- exec("ponder", self); pause;
- exec("emote prepares to do his master's bidding.", self); pause;
- exec("sigh", self); pause;
- exec("wave", self); pause;
- exec("say I must feed my master Tiamat now!", self); pause;
- exec("search trapdoor", self);
- exec("unlock trapdoor", self);
- exec("open trapdoor", self);
- walkto(findroom("death_room@tiny_zone"));
- pause;
- goto init;
end /* human_sacrifice */
/* ****************************** */
- (NOTE): Since much of the coding for this mobile is the same as
what was explained for dragon_tiamat, only the new ideas that are here
will be discussed.
- This call is a predefined macro in composed.h. Notice that a great
deal of coding that was necessary for Tiamat is not needed here.
When using these predefined macros, you may override any setting by
entering your own values on any line following the macro call. For
example, if we wanted the alignment of our human sacrifice to be -800,
we could do so in the following manner:
- alignment -800
dilbegin sacrifice1(); ...
Here's a simple dil program which I've named
'sacrifice1'. This
program will cause the human sacrifice to talk to you when he loads,
and then walk to the death_room. Dil is explained elsewhere,
and we'rwe'ree not going to go into it in detail here, but this program is
simple enough that it can be easily modified to allow you to create
'talking' mobiles within your zone.
The PULSE_SEC*20 defines how long a pause will last, in this case 20
seconds. So the program will wait for 20 seconds everytime it sees
a pause. You can set this number to any value that you want.
The 'exec' command tells the program what we want the mob to do.
Effectively, anything we put in the quotes in an exec statement is
like a line that you would type in when playing. So if we want the
mob to say 'Hello' we use the following:
- exec ("say Hello.", self);
Emotes, socials, etc. can be used within exec statements.
The 'walkto' command tells the mob to walk to the specified room.
Finally, the 'goto init' line tells the program to go back to our
':init:' label at the beginning. Thus, if you wanted to make a mobile
that just kept talking, you would put 'goto init' at the end of your
program, and the program would then go back to the beginning and
effectively start itself all over again.
Feel free to copy this program into your own zone... just change the
text within the quotes to whatever is appropriate for you. Little
extras like these programs are what help to distinguish an average
zone from a good one.
/* ****************************** */
names {"sacrificial robe", "robe"}
title "a sacrificial robe"
descr "A dark black sacrificial robe lies here."
extra {}
"This robe is made of a very fine and delicate silken material. However,
you feel uneasy looking at it... the robe seems meant only for those who are
preparing to die!"
extra {"$identify"}
"When worn,an enhanced dexterity is attained, but your knowledge
of magic will weaken slightly."
extra {"$improved identify}
"When worn, this robe will add 3 to DEX, and reduce DIV by 1. You will
also receive a bonus in the war mattock skill."
weight 12
dilcopy level_restrict@function(45,5,10,"");
dilcopy abi_restrict@function(ABIL_DEX,30,5,10,"");
end /* sacrifice_robe */
/* ****************************** */
- %objects
- Like %rooms and %zone, this is the label that tells the compiler we
will be defining items now.
- sacrifice_robe
- This is the name of the item which we are defining. It must be placed
on a line of its own.
- names {"sacrificial robe", "robe"}
- These are the names for the robe. If we wanted to wear this robe, we
would type either 'wear sacrificial robe' or 'wear robe'.
- title "a sacrificial robe"
- The title is what it claims to be, the title of the object.
- extra {} "blah blah blah"
- Like with a mob, this is an extra defined for the entire object. So
if a player types 'look robe', this description is what they will see.
- extra {"$identify"} "blah blah blah"
- This extra is used with the identify spell. When a player casts
'identify robe', this is the description that they will be given.
- extra {"$improved identify} "blah blah blah"
- Like the extra for the identify spell, this extra provides information
for use with the improved identify spell. Generally you want to give
more detailed information with improved identify than with identify,
such as perhaps craftsmanship, armour type, or the specific ability
bonuses provided by the object.
- The manipulate statement defines all of the possible ways for this
particular item to be worn, held or taken. The list is in
and each one is described. For this robe, it is takeable (very
important for anything you want to not be bolted to the floor!) and it
can be worn about the body, which means over any armour you wear
already. All of the possible manipulate commands are defined in
vme.h, and some of the more common ones are
listed below.
- MANIPULATE_TAKE -- required if object can be picked up.
- MANIPULATE_HOLD -- torches, pens.
- MANIPULATE_ENTER -- coffins, boats, etc.
- MANIPULATE_WIELD -- swords, other weapons.
- MANIPULATE_WEAR_NECK -- necklaces, amulets.
- MANIPULATE_WEAR_BODY -- breast plates, etc.
- MANIPULATE_WEAR_SHIELD -- shields, of course.
- MANIPULATE_WEAR_ABOUT -- robes, cloaks, etc.
- flags {UNIT_FL_MAGIC}
- This flag sets the item as a magic item... basically all that this
means is that when using detect magic, this item will be detected. All
items with bonuses must be tagged with this flag.
- The armour defs are all defined in great detail in
objects.txt, I will
not go over these and I suggest that you scan the section on armours in
your doc. (NOTE from Iccy): Please note that the European spelling of
armour is used here;
it took me a week to figure out why I was getting a parse error on this
one when I was programming my first zone. (From Eirinn: you may think
I'm biased because I'm european, but in general it's safer to use
UK English when coding dil, etc, because any commands which would have
different spellings in the US will always have the UK spellings).
- Ok, this is how to make your objects actually transfer abilities and/or
skills to a player. In this case we are giving the player a plus one
bonus in dexterity, taking away one in divine, and increasing the
player's war mattock skill by 5%. SPELL_TRANSFER and SKILL_TRANSFER
are also available.
- (NOTE): There are limits as to what you can transfer, both max
and minimum (check Limits.txt).
- weight 12
- Weight is given in pounds and should be self-explanatory otherwise.
- cost 3 GOLD_PIECE
- Cost refers to the sell back value of the object. In this case
the value of the object is three gold pieces.
- The rent is the per day charge to store this item, one gold piece in
this case.
- dilcopy level_restrict@function(45,5,10,"");
dilcopy abi_restrict@function(ABIL_DEX,30,5,10,"");
- These are other special functions which restrict the use of this robe
to certain people. The first restricts this robe to players of level 45 or
higher. The second number is the percentage of hitpoints to remove from the
person if they aren't over level 45. The third number is the maximum amount
of hitpoints to take at one time. So if 5% of the player's hitpoints is more
than 10 hits, it will only take 10 hits. The "" is an optional call of a
dil to give a special message to the person if he isn't able to wear the
robe (instead of just telling him he's not high enough in level and then
making him drop the weapon). The second restriction is to those
who have 30 dexterity or more, removing 5% hits amounting to a max of -10
hits per attempt to wear the robe. Try and make these restrictions
logical. You can restrict objects by quests done, level, alignment,
abilities, skills, etc. For further details see
- Examples of other restrictions:
- dilcopy quest_restrict@function("Mary's Quest Complete",0,0,"");
-- Only players who have done a certain quest may use the item.
- dilcopy anti_guild@function ({GUILD_PALADIN},0,75,"");
-- People in the Paladin's guild can't wear this item.
/* ****************************** */
names {"death key","key"}
title "the Key to Death (Tiamat)"
descr "A blood red key is here."
extra {}
"This key has an inscription of a dragon's head. It looks very
old and perhaps you should take care not to lose it."
weight 1
end /* death_key */
/* ****************************** */
- (NOTE) Since much of the code for the following items is the
same as what was explained for sacrifice_robe, only the new ideas that
are here will be discussed.
- type ITEM_KEY
- One thing of semi-importance in this definition is the type ITEM_KEY
statement, but as it turns out this is not a necessity. That is the
mud will allow other items to 'unlock' locks! Item types are listed
in vme.h.
- (NOTE) As you can see there is not too much involved with
making a key. Do make sure that the symbolic name here (death_key) is
the same as what you define for the door, also named death_key;
otherwise the key will not work for the door.
/* ****************************** */
names {"ugly sword", "sword"}
title "an ugly sword"
descr "An ugly sword has been left here"
"This sword bears the mark of Tiamat, the wielder must be a human sacrifice
in the last days of his life."
weight 25
end /* ugly_sword */
/* ****************************** */
- This WEAPON_DEF can be read about in the objects.txt
file so we will not delve into it, but this sword turns out to be pretty
decent overall.
- This command defines one race for which the weapon will do extra
damage. This WEAPON_SLAYER call can only define one slaying race, and
if you try to put more than one of these calls, only the last one gets
acknowledged. The slaying race is mostly a feature and should only be
put on swords of high value.
/* ****************************** */
names {"gnarled sign", "sign"}
title "the gnarled sign"
descr "A gnarled sign is here."
extra {}
"&lThe sign reads:
- 'Beware those who explore this zone! While the zone
might be tiny in size, the mobs which you may find
here are anything but tiny! It is rumored that even
the Queen of the dragons has taken up residence within
the boundaries of the tiny zone...'"
weight 100
end /* gnarled_sign */
/* ****************************** */
- (NOTE) One very important aspect of this sign is the '&l' that
is the first item inside of the extra description. '&l' is a useful
way to format data -- if you put &l as the first character within
quotation marks, however you type in this information is how it will
appear on the screen. The mud will automatically format most text, so
this operator acts to suppress the mud's normal formatting. You can
get more information on colour and text-formatting codes in
- type ITEM_NOTE
- A note is just another of the items defined in vme.h. Letters,
signs, and so forth should be of this item type.