1. Pricelist Document Name: price.doc Version: 1.01 Author: Michael Seifert (seifert@diku.dk) Questions to: seifert@diku.dk Document intended for: World Creators Short Description: This document lists basic prices for items in Valhalla. Please use for guidelines as well as the price multipliers listed in the Object Creator Documentation. 1.1 Basic currency 1 Platinum piece (pp) = 8 Gold pieces 1 Gold piece (gp) = 8 Silver pieces 1 Silver piece (sp) = 8 Copper pieces 1 Copper piece (cp) = 8 Iron pieces (ip) 1 Iron piece (ip) = 10 old gold pieces In order to survive the day (on bread and water) you would need a little less than 1 cp daily. A wealthy farmer would have a monthly profit of approximately 30 cp every month (3 sp and 6 cp). 1.2 Clothing prices Rural City Weight Prod. Notes Belt 1cp 2cp 1 lbs 2 hrs Soft leather Belt, 3cp 2cp 1 lbs 6 hrs Hardened weapon leather Boots 6cp 5cp 3 lbs 3 days Soft leather Cloak 4cp 5cp 2 lbs 1 day Rough cotton Coat 7cp 9cp 7 lbs 2 days Rough cotton Gloves 2cp 2cp .5 lbs 1 day Heavy leather Hat 2cp 3cp 1 lbs 1 day Soft leather Hood 1cp 1cp .5 lbs .5 days Soft leather Pants 4cp 5cp 2 lbs 1 day Rough cotton Robe 12cp 8cp 2 lbs 2 days Fine cotton Shirt 4cp 5cp 1 lbs 1.5 Rough cotton days Shoes 4cp 3cp 2 lbs 2 days Soft leather Surcoat 6cp 5cp 3 lbs 1.5 Rough cotton days 1.3 Accessories prices Item Rural City Weight Prod. Notes Cost Cost Backpack 6cp 5cp 2 lbs 1 day leather, 20 lbs capacity Backpack 9cp 7cp 4 lbs 1.5 day leather, 50 lbs capacity Bucket 2cp 2cp 2 lbs 1 day Wood, iron rings Candle 4ip 3ip .2 lbs .5 days 2 hrs., 1 light source Case 12cp 11cp 1 lb 2 days Leaher, holds 20 lbs Cask 10cp 9cp 5 lbs 1.5 Wood, 20 days liters Chain - 2sp 9 lbs 1 day 10’ iron Chalk 1ip 1ip .25 2 hrs White lbs Grappling hook - 10cp 1 lbs 1 day Iron Hammer 7cp 10cp 1 lb 1 day Iron, wood handle Harness, horse 16cp 14cp 4 lbs 2 days Leather, iron bit Lantern, - 3sp 2 lbs 4 days 2 light normal sources, 12 hours Lantern, - 6sp 3 lbs 6 days 4 light bullseye sources, 12 hours Mirror - 5sp .5 lbs 1 day Glass, iron, 5”x5”. Oil flask 2cp 1cp 1 lb 1 day Includes .5 liter oil Paper 10ip 6ip .02 1 hour 12” x 6” lbs Parchment 18ip 9ip .02 1 hour 12” x 6” lbs Pot, cooking 4cp 4cp 2 lbs 1 day Iron, 8 liters capacity Quill 3ip 2ip .02 15 min Goose feather lbs Rope, hemp 4cp 5cp 7 lbs 3 days 50’ Rope, 6cp 7cp 7 lbs 5 days 50’ (hemp) reinforced Sack 4ip 5ip 2 lbs 2 hrs 50 lbs capacity Saddle 3sp 3sp 12 lbs 6 days Leather Saddle bag 5cp 5cp 6 lbs 2 days Holds 20 lbs Saw 1sp 11cp 3 lbs 2 days Iron Scabbard 15cp 13cp 1 lb 1 day 1 handed (belt) weapons Scabbard 18cp 15cp 1.5 1 day 2 handed (shoulder) lbs weapons Spade 1sp 9cp 4 lbs 1 day Iron, wood shaft Sundial - 5sp 1 lb 2 days Iron Tent 13cp 11cp 10 lbs 2 days Canvas, two man Torch 1ip 1ip 1 lb 1 hr 2 light sources, 6 hours Vial 2cp 1cp .25 1 day Glass, holds 1 lbs pt. Waterskin 4ip 5ip .25 6 hrs Leather, holds lbs 2 pt. Whistle 13cp 14cp .1 lbs 1 day Wood 1.4 Lodging prices Item Rural City Note cost cost Beer / Ale 3ip 4ip Pint, poor. Brandy 4cp 3cp Half-pint Cider 2ip 2ip Pint Mead 4ip 5ip Pint Wine 5ip 7ip Pint Light meal 2ip 4ip Normal meal 3ip 8ip Heavy meal 4ip 12ip Week’s 15ip 35ip rations Trail 3cp 2cp 1 wk. ration preserved Greatbread 8cp 5cp 1 wk. preserved Waybread - 1gp 1 mo. preserved 1.5 Transport prices Item Rural cost City cost Horse, light 17sp 30sp Horse, medium 23sp 38sp Horse, heavy 35sp 45sp Mule/donkey 13sp 24sp Ox 42sp 52sp Pony 10sp 30sp Sled dog 6sp 1gp Warhorse, 8gp 15gp lesser Warhorse, 37gp 37gp greater Ferry service 1cp+3ip / 1cp+1cp / mi mi Boat, small 2gp 4gp Boat, medium 4gp 7gp Boat, large 13gp 27gp Canoe 4gp 5gp Ship, small 33gp 48gp Ship, medium 75gp 105gp Ship, large - 360gp 1.6 Armour Item City Weight Prod. Notes Cost Leather jerkin 6cp 7-12 1 day Vest lbs Leather leggins 8cp 3-4 lbs 2 days Leather sleeves 8cp 2-3 lbs 2 days Leather helmet 6cp 1-2 lbs 1 day Skullcap Leather gloves 6cp 1-2 lbs 1 day Leather boots 6cp 1-2 lbs 1 day Full, leather armour 40cp 15-25 8 days All of the lbs above Full, studded leather 84cp 20-30 10 days Complete set armour lbs Full, ring mail 15sp 30-50 2 weeks Complete set armour lbs Full, scale mail 30sp 30-50 4 weeks Complete set armour lbs Full, splint mail 40sp 30-50 4 weeks Complete set armour lbs Full, chain mail 100sp 40-60 4 Complete set armour lbs months Breastplate (plate) 20sp 20-30 21 days 2 pc. metal lbs vest Iron leggings (plate) 25sp 10-20 35 days lbs Iron sleeves (plate) 25sp 10-20 35 days lbs Iron helm (plate) 15cp 2-3 lbs 1 day Iron gloves 15sp 2-3 lbs 20 days Iron boots 10sp 4-6 lbs 12 days Full, plate mail 100sp 60-85 4 All of the armour lbs months above Small shield 2sp 5-10 3 days lbs Normal shield 3sp 10-20 5 days lbs Wall shield 8sp 30-50 7 days lbs 1.7 Weapon prices Item City Weight Prod. Cost Bastard sword 20sp 4-6 45 lbs days Battle axe 10sp 5-9 2 days lbs Claymore 12sp 5-10 3 days lbs Club 1cp 3-7 6 hrs lbs Dagger 4sp .75 1 day lbs Flail 15sp 4-8 5 days lbs Halbard 10sp 6-9 2 days lbs Handaxe 5sp 4-6 1 day lbs Javelin 2sp 3-5 1 day lbs Katana 15sp 4-6 5 days lbs Long sword 12sp 4-5 4 days lbs Mace 10sp 4-8 2 days lbs Main gauche 14sp 1-2 3 days lbs Morning star 15sp 4-8 2 days lbs Pick 2sp 3-7 2 days lbs Quarterstaff 3cp 3-5 1 day lbs Rapier 11sp 2-3 5 days lbs Sabre 9sp 3-4 2 days lbs Scimitar 10sp 3-5 3 days lbs Short sword 8sp 2-4 2 days lbs Spear 2sp 3-8 1 day lbs Trident 5sp 4-6 2 days lbs Two-hand 16sp 5-12 5 days sword lbs War hammer 8sp 4-7 2 days lbs Whip 2sp 2-5 12 hrs lbs 1.8 Spell item base prices Item Base price Scroll 1gp paper Potion 5gp Wand 5gp Rod 15gp Staff 50gp Ring 250gp