1. Object Creator Documentation Document Name: objects.doc (was wpn_arm.doc) Version: 7.10 Author: Michael Seifert (seifert@diku.dk) Questions to: seifert@diku.dk Document intended for: World Creators This document describes how the world creator specifies objects such as weapons, shields, armours, potions, scrolls, wands, staffs and how to apply magical properties to items. Also included are guidelines for creating magical items. 2. General notes about craftsmanship, material and magic bonuses Note: In general each +5 / -5 could be said to equal AD&D +1 / -1 bonuses. 2.1 Craftsmanship (%, Table 1) The craftsmanship expresses of what material a weapon, shield or armour is made and how well it has been constructed. The material is calculated by selecting appropriate material & craftsmanship percentages from Table 1 and Table 2 below. The result is an overall craftsmanship in the range [-25% .. +25%]. Table 1 is relative to the iron material. Notice that a clubs should not get penalties because it made of wood, nor should a spear (with an iron tip). However obviously a sword would get a huge penalty for being made of wood. In general there should be no modification on a weapons default material. A wooden shield should not get -15% - it should just have fewer hitpoints - hope you catch the drift... Materia Qty Weight Costl Mul. Mul. Wood -15% ? x 0.2 (differs) Bone -14% ? x 0.3 Ebony -13% ? x 1.7 Gold -11% 19.30 x 512 Stone -8% ? x 0.2 Silver -10% 10.50 x 64.0 Bronze -5% 8.50 x 0.8 Iron 0% 7.90 x 1.0 Steel 5% 9.00 x 200 (rare) Mithril 10% 6.00 x 4096 (rarer) Diamond 15% ? x 32768 (extreme) Table 1 This table translates materials into a quality relative to iron. See also Table 2 for craftsmanship modifications. The cost multiplier is multiplied onto the base cost of an item if it is made from other materials than listed as default (for example a long sword of steel would have its price multiplied by a factor 1.8). The Weight Multiplier is included for your information, to illustrate the relative weight of the various materials. The craftsmanship is a way of expressing the overall quality of a weapon. This includes both the skill of the black smith who created the weapon, the sharpness (where appropriate), and the weapon balance. Use Table 2 for this purpose. Of course it is not possible to have a “none” sword of metal. NONE only applies to weapons created by nature (for example a branch). The resulting craftsmanship is a percentage in the range [-15%..+15%]. Craftsmanshi QTY Cost p Mul. None -15% N/A Poor -8% x 0.6 Average 0% x 1.0 Good 5% x 1.5 Exceptional 10% x 2.5 Divine 15% x 4.0 Table 2 This table shows which effect craftsmanship has on Weapon and Armour quality. The cost multiplier is multiplied onto the base cost of a weapon.Examples:· A bronze helmet made by a skilled smithy would have -5% + 5% = 0% craftsmanship.· An ordinary steel dagger would have 5% + 0% = 5%. A rusty iron dagger would have -5% + 0% = -5%. A normal reinforced wooden shield has 0% + 0% = 0%.· A diamond dagger made by a god would have no more than 25% even though the tables would indicate 30%. 2.2 Magic Bonuses Magic bonuses can also be applied to weapons, shields & armours. It is in the interval -25% to 25% (0% is no magic). Remember to set the UNIT_FL_MAGIC if the weapon has any magic bonuses. Power of Item Bonus Maximum in World Rent Cost multiplier Standard +5 20-40 Approx. cost x 1.0 Magic / 10 Powerful +10 10-20 Approx. cost x 2.0 Magic / 10 Demi-god +15 5-10 Approx. cost x 4.0 Magic / 10 God-Magic +20 2-5 Approx. cost x 8.0 / 10 Artifacts +25 1-2 Approx. cost x 16.0 / 10 3. WEAPON CONSTRUCTION To create a weapon you must determine the following specific information about your particular weapon. The means by which you create a weapon also applies to the definition of the hand of a monster. 3.1 Weapon Category Select a weapon type from the file values.h (one of the WPN_XXX macros which is larger than (after) WPN_GROUP_MAX). For example WPN_DAGGER. The weapon category determines which skill is required for using (and defending against) the weapon. 3.2 Examples A standard macro “WEAPON_DEF(weapon_category, craftsmanship, magic_bonus)” is available, and should be used for defining the weapons values.Note that both craftsmanship & magic bonuses are in the range [-25%..+25%]. A flail (two handed) of non-pure iron (-3%), a little better than average craftsmanship (5%) and no magic bonuses would have: WEAPON_DEF(WPN_FLAIL, +2, 0) A rusty (-5%) mean sacrificial dagger by a skilled smithy (+5%) and magically enchanted might be: flags {UNIT_FL_MAGIC} WEAPON_DEF(WPN_DAGGER, 0, +5) An old shaky wooden stick could be: WEAPON_DEF(WPN_CLUB, -5, 0) A wooden bastard sword would have considerable less craftsmanship than listed since wood prevents the ‘slashing’ effect, also it would be non-sense to apply better than average craftsmanship in this case: WEAPON_DEF(WPN_BROAD_SWORD, -15, 0) Very special weapons ought to exist only in limited numbers even if they are not magical, for example, it seems unreasonable that hundreds of daggers made from diamond exists in the world. Perhaps only one or two such weapons exist. Use the max field in the load or equip reset-commands. The macro automatically sets the following manipulate flags so that the weapon can be picked up and wielded: manipulate {MANIPULATE_TAKE, MANIPULATE_WEAR_WIELD} 4. ARMOUR CONSTRUCTION Armours are designed just as for weapons. A number of general things ought to be noted for armours. There are standard macros for many types of armour - use these unless you are designing something unique (like a set of T1000 liquid armour). Armours protect differently against the three different basic attack types (slash, pierce and bludgeon) and differently against different spell attacks (i.e. plate is best against acid but worst against electricity). 4.1 Location Location is where the armour is supposed to be used, for example sleeves are usually put on the arms. To specify a location, set the appropriate manipulate flags (MAINPULATE_WEAR_XXX). Armour only offers protection on the following body locations: Head Hands Arms Body Legs Feet 4.2 Examples Standard macros are available and are used exactly as for weapons: ARMOR_CLOTHES(...) ARMOR_LEATHER(...) ARMOR_HRD_LEATHER(...) ARMOR_CHAIN(...) ARMOR_PLATE(...) A magical mithril full plate armour of good craftsmanship could be assigned: flags {UNIT_FL_MAGIC} ARMOR_PLATE(+15,+5) 5. SHIELDS Shields are designed just as for armours & weapons. Use the macro SHIELD_DEF. 5.1 Category The shield category must be one of (SHIELD_XXX, values.h). The larger the shield, the better the chance of blocking attacks. Remember to put weight on your shield to encumber the character. Shields are defined just as weapons & armours. Shield Type Small Shield Medium Shield Large Shield Table 3 Available shield types. 5.2 Examples A small magical wooden shield could be assigned: flags {UNIT_FL_MAGIC} SHIELD_DEF(SHIELD_SMALL, 0, +5) 6. Various 6.1 Notes, Signs, Papers (reading) When you create a note with written text upon it, the proper way is to make an extra description with an empty keyword. The empty keyword defaults to the name of the object itself. Example: note_7 names {“old paper”, “paper”} ....... extra {} “The paper looks old and worn, and written in blood you see the words: Help free the world of the horrible evil lurking lurking behind these doors. ”Extra {“blood”} “The blood is red!” end 7. MAGICAL ITEMS This chapter describes the rules by which magical items must be created. The rules are made under the consideration that a player can equip a total of 17 items! It is therefore very important that you carefully follow these guidelines. Magical bonuses are applied to a player whenever he equips a magical item. When you create a magical item you should remember to set the unit-flag UNIT_FL_MAGIC so that the detect magic spell will work properly. But most of the used macros automatically set the magic flag. (flags {UNIT_FL_MAGIC}). 7.1 Identifying Magical Items It is always important for the players to get information about magical items. The following method gives you the possibility of creating textual identification descriptions for the “identify” and “improved identify” spells. Add an extra description with the keyword “$identify” and it will show the description when an identify spell is cast upon the item Add an extra description with the keyword “$improved identify” and it will show the description when an improved identify spell is cast upon the item. Example: crown_of_king bla bla...... extra {“$identify”} “This once used to be the crown of the evil lich king Asmodeus, the greatest of the undead. The crown is a great magical item rumored to give its posessor fantastic intellectual powers. The crown can only be used by evil persons.” extra {“$improved identify”} “The Crown of Asmodeus gives +5 to brain. Can only be used by evil persons.” end As you can see, the two types of descriptions associated with the magical items gives a lot more flavor to your magical items. Please always include both descriptions on any magical items you create (they can be used on any kind of item, even unmagical ones, but most likely there is nothing special to be said about non-magical items). 7.2 Rent on limited items Whenever you create a magical item, you must specify the maximum number allowed in the world at any given time (the concept world includes items saved in the playerfile.). The following table shows the allowed number of items in the world and the rent compared with the items power: