> Valhalla MUD - DIL Documentation


Version 3.8

Authors: bombman@diku.dk and seifert@valhalla.com
Converted to HTML by Javelin
Upkept by Whistler@valhalla.com


Making a Program Data Types: string stringlist integer extraptr unitptr Messages: SFB_CMD SFB_DONE SFB_TICK SFB_COM SFB_DEAD SFB_MSG SFB_PRE Built-In Variables cmdstr self activator target medium power argument heartbeat null weather mud(day,month,..) realtime DIL Constructs: if(...) goto while(...) break continue on .. goto .. foreach(...) Assignment Expressions: Operators in string in string string in stringlist string in extraptr Functions: quit return return() Fields: extraptr unitptr UNIT_ST_OBJ UNIT_ST_ROOM UNIT_ST_PC and UNIT_ST_NPC UNIT_ST_NPC UNIT_ST_PC Built-In Functions: asctime(...) atoi(...) cancarry(...) command(...) dildestroy(...) dilfind(...) equipment(...) findroom(...) findrndunit(...) findsymbolic(...) findunit(...) fits(...) getword(...) getwords(...) ghead(...) isaff(...) isset(...) itoa(...) length(...) load(...) meleeattack(...) moneystring(...) opponent(...) openroll(...) pagestring(...) pathto(...) paycheck(...) purse(...) restore(...) rnd(...) spellindex(...) spellinfo(...) split(...) textformat(...) visible(...) Built-In Procedures: acc_modify(...) act(...) addaff(...) addequip(...) addextra(...) addstring(...) attack_spell(...) block cast_spell(...) change_speed(...) clear(...) dilcopy(...) destroy(...) exec(...) follow(...) interrupt(...) link(...) log(...) logcrime(...) nopriority on_activation(...) position_update(...) priority secure(...) send(...) sendtoall(...) sendtoalldil(...) sendtext(...) sendto(...) set(...) setbright(...) set_fighting(...) setweight(...) store(...) subaff(...) subextra(...) substring(...) transfermoney(...) unequip(...) unsecure(...) unset(...) wait(...) walkto(...) experience(...) Ending Notes
This documentation is designed for people with some experience in programming. Experience in C is recommended, but PASCAL or BASIC in some form or other will do just fine too. DIL is a simple programming language with fixed types reflecting the types used in Valhalla Mud. The language gives you almost endless posibilities in designing your adventures and quests. It gives you the control you need for making the game interresing and intelligent.

Making a program:

You define your DIL programs within your zone file. Each program you make is a *template*. Such a template must be equipped with a unique name (for that zone). Templates can either be defined in a new %dil section, just below the %zone section in the zone file, or directly attached to units defined in your zonefile. If you define your DIL templates inside a unit definition, that unit is automatically assigned a program using that template. If you want to use an already designed template, either in your own, or another zone, you use a special function named "dilcopy", that takes the name of a template, and any optional parameters in parenthesis. The parameters of a template called with 'dilcopy' may only be of types integer, strings and stringlists. Example: dilcopy myfunc@myzone("say Hello, my friend!", 1, CMD_SAY, {"name1", "name2"}); DIL templates can always be reused. In fact, with version 2.0 of DIL, programs are no longer saved with equipment, but only a symbolic reference is used. That way, if you make a change in your zone, ALL units using that program are changed. This however requires you keep the name. Upon loading, if a template is not found, the program is halted and rendered useless until such a reference can be found during loading. Technical note: When you use several 'dilcopy' in your zonefile, only one instance is present game-time, thus saving tremendous amounts of memory. It is similar to a shared-library, in which code is shared but variables are not. You may use your templates to define both procedure and functions for your other templates to call. A template is defined by beginning with 'dilbegin' and ending with 'dilend'. Inside the template your program section is defined, marked by the keyword 'code', followed by the program itself; dilbegin myprogram(); var i : integer; j : integer; code { heartbeat:=PULSE_SEC*5; :start: exec("say Hello world", self); pause; goto start; } dilend This simple template does nothing but making its owner say 'Hello world' once every 5 seconds. The template is called 'myprogram' and takes no arguments. The 'pause' command waits for the program to receive a timer message, whose interval is set by the 'inline' variable 'heartbeat'. The 'self' variable is a unitptr refering to the unit owning the DIL program. Other inline variables will be explained later. For a DIL program to work, it must be part of a *unit*: a room, player, non-player or object. The program uses *messages* to operate. Your program gets activated when it receives a message that some command is being executed, or a certain amount of time has passed. You decide yourself in the program, what to wait for, before the program continues executing. Supposing you want your program to contain variables, you have to put them in a section before the 'code' section marked 'var'. The variables are declared by their type and their name, separated by a ':' and ended by a ';' For an example, see the program above. Variables of type 'string', 'stringlist' and 'integer' are saved, if the unit the program is attached to is saved with player inventory. Variables of type 'unitpr' and 'extraptr' are 'volatile'. This means that they are cleared whenever there is a chance that their contents may have been rendered non usable. This ensures that you do not have any 'loose' pointers. However it is possible to 'secure' the contents of a 'unitptr' type variable of a unit located in your local environment (the units directly 'visible' to the unit who owns the DIL program) (see the secure / unsecure functions).

Data Types:

DIL supports a fixed set of types you can use and manipulate. Through these, you can get and manipulate information about almost anything in the game. The types are listed below:
String: A string is some text. They are used for alot of things such as command arguments, room descriptions etc. String variables are automagically resized and allocated when you assign them, so you do not have to worry about the string length nor allocation in your DIL programs. Strings may be compared either with '==' (equal to) or '!=' (not equal), or with the obsolete '#=' (pointer compare) or '$=' (same as '=='). Static strings are defined just as in the rest of the zone, within double quotations. Strings may be searched easily with the 'in' operator. Variables of type string are saved with DIL programs, if attached to a saved unit. Example: "This is a static string" Strings may also be added to eachother, in an expression. Example: "say "+itoa(42)+" is the answer!" Example: if (self.name == self.names.[1]) ...
Stringlist: A stringlist is a list of separate strings. This is used for things such as (multiple) names or keywords. You may request a specified word in a stringlist by its number Example: mystring := self.names.[2]; Returning null if out of bounds of the stringlist (see 'length()') Static stringlists are defined just as in the rest of the zonefile, as a comma separated list of static strings within curly brackets. Example: mysrtringlist := {"Some string","another string","the last string"} Stringlists are modified through the 'addstring()' and 'substring()' procedures. Stringlists are searched easily by the 'in' operator. See documentation below. They can also be set directly (see example above). Variables of type string are saved with DIL programs, if attached to a saved unit.
Integer: Non-fraction numbers can be used throughout your DIL programs. They are given normally, or in normal C style hexadecimal, preceded with '0x'. Integers are signed 32-bit integers. Variables of type string are saved with DIL programs, if attached to a saved unit. Example: 0x10 Example: 2 Integers are used within expressions as both number value and boolean (true/false) values. You may use comparison between integers through the comparison operators; '==' (equality), '<' (less than), '>' (greater than), '<=' (less or equal), '>=' (greater or equal) '!=' (not equal). Example: if (42<12) ... Returning the boolean value (true/false) depending on the comparison between integers. The result may be stored in an integer variable, and tested later, or used directly in an 'if' or 'while', etc. You may also operate on boolean expression themselves, using LOGICAL operators 'and','not','or', which allows you to combine the expressions. Example: if ( not ( (self.hp<42) or (self.level>10) ) ) .. Integer expressions may also use a number of other operators; '+' (addition) '-' (substraction/negation), '*' (multiplication), '/' (division), '|' (bitwise or, for flags), '&' (bitwise and, for flags) Precedence rules for using these operators are still somewhat messed up. You'd better use parenthesis whereever possible.
Extraptr: Extra descriptions, quests structures, etc can be searched and manipulated using variables of this type. There is no way to declare static structures of this type in DIL programs. Lists of extra descriptions are easily searched with the 'in' operator (See below). Extraptr variables are 'volatile', and thus cleared whenever there is a possibility that they are rendered unusable.
Unitptr: Unit pointers are used to keep track of units: rooms, players, non-player or objects. Through a variable of this type you can access most of the information in a unit. Unitptr variables are 'volatile', and thus cleared whenever there is a possibility that they are rendered unusable.


In DIL, a program attached to a unit gets activated when the program resceives a message. In order to save CPU usage, there are a number of different message categories which can cause activation of a program. The 'wait()' commands first parameter is an integer, telling what message categories the program should reactivate on. The second parameter is an expression, which also must evaluate to TRUE. 'pause' is just special instances of the 'wait()' command.
CAVEAT Builder: Whenever you construct the arguments for the wait command, bear in mind that ALL your tests will be executed EVERYTIME a message of the relevant kind comes through. Thus you should keep the lenght of the activation expression to a reasonable minimum, and you should NEVER use the time-consuming findxxx-functions. Valid example (That prohibits a player from removing an object): :glue: wait(SFB_CMD,command(CMD_REMOVE)); u := findunit(activator,argument,FIND_UNIT_IN_ME,null ); if (u != self) { goto glue; } act("You can't remove $2n, it's sticky.", A_SOMEONE,activator,self,null,TO_CHAR);); block; goto glue;

See Also:

Dil and Findunit() The message categories are as follows:
SFB_CMD Command message When this flag is set, the program gets activated by all commands (legal or illegal) issued by PC's or NPC's. Moving around is also considered a command. Assume a janitor executes the command 'get all from corpse', then this will occur in the DIL program: 'activator'... is a unitptr to the janitor. 'cmdstr'...... is a string which contains the string entered, it would contain 'get' in this example. 'argument'.... will contain 'all from corpse' command(CMD_GET) will evaluate to TRUE.
SFB_DONE 'Command has now been executed' message When this flag is set, the program gets activated by all successful commands issued by PC's or NPC's. The 'activator', 'medium' and 'target' special values are used as follows: 'activator'... The PC / NPC which executed the command 'medium'...... The unit which is operated upon. 'target'...... The target of the operation. For example, assume the player John gives a garlic to Mary the Lumberjack wife. The following values are set: activator == John (unitptr) medium == Mushroom (unitptr) target == Mary (unitptr) command(CMD_GIVE) will evaluate to true. You thus know that Mary has in fact received the mushroom. It is NOT possible to block (using the 'block' command) these commands since they have already been executed at the time of notification. In a 'get' command, medium would be a unitptr to where the unit was taken from, and target would be the object which was taken. See the file commands.txt for a description of how the arguments are set for each command. If you can not find a command in there, just ask to get it implemented. Especially you should pay attention to the non-obvious SFB_DONE command(CMD_AUTO_ENTER).
SFB_TICK Timer message When this flag is set, the routine gets activated by a "clock". The clock ticks (in 1/4th of a second) are determined by the 'heartbeat' variable. 'activator'... is null. 'argument'.... will be empty. command(CMD_AUTO_TICK) will evaluate to TRUE.
SFB_COM Combat message When this flag is set, the routine gets activated whenever a combat is in progress. The unit containing the DIL program needs not be involved in the combat itself: 'activator'... is a unitptr to the PC/NPC about to hit someone else. 'argument'.... is empty. command(CMD_AUTO_COMBAT) will evaluate to TRUE.
SFB_DEAD Death message When this flag is set, the routine gets activated when a PC or NPC dies: 'activator'... will point to the PC/NPC that is about to die. 'argument'.... is empty. command(CMD_AUTO_DEATH) will evaluate to TRUE The SFB_DEAD message is sent, just as the character dies, while his items are still equipped, just before the corpse is created. The character's '.fighting' field points to his primary opponent, although this person does not nessecarily have to be the one that killed him. This can be exploited by making items wizinvisible (the .minv field) just as the message is received, causing them to stay inside the player rather than being transferred to the corpse. This does both give the ultimate crash protection, as well as a means of letting items, such as bribe items, forever be a part of the player (remember to make it un-wizinvis when the player returns from heaven - players should not have access to items while in heaven).
SFB_MSG User message When this flag is set, the routine gets activated when a message is passed to it. Messages can be passed with the DIL commands 'sendto' and 'send': 'activator'... is a unitptr to the unit sending the message. 'argument'.... is a string containing possible data from the sender. command(CMD_AUTO_MSG) will evaluate to true. Messages are normally not generated by actions performed by the owner of the program. For a program to be able to be aware of messages from the owner, a keyword 'aware' should be listed just after 'dilbegin'. When a unit is saved, normally, the DIL programs in it would restart when the program is loaded. However it is possible to let DIL programs recall their execution from where they left off when they where saved. This is done by listing the keyword 'recall' after the 'dilbegin'. This is however a bit limited. Only the status of the original template is saved. Not the state inside a template called as a function or procedure from inside the original template. 'secure' and interrupts are not recalled upon loading the template. Example: dilbegin recall aware mute(); var i : integer; code { i:=10; while (i>0) { wait(SFB_CMD,command(CMD_SAY) or command(CMD_SHOUT)); exec("emote tries to make a sound, but only blood spurts through"+ "the lips",self); block; i := i - 1; } i:=10; while (i>0) { wait(SFB_CMD,command(CMD_SAY) or command(CMD_SHOUT)); exec("emote tries to make a sound, but can't",self); block; i := i - 1; } i:=10; while (i>0) { wait(SFB_CMD,command(CMD_SAY) or command(CMD_SHOUT)); exec("emote tries to make a loud sound, but can't",self); block; i := i - 1; } quit; } dilend /* When attached to a PC, the pc will be unable to utter a sound the first 10 sound command, and blood will spurt out. The next 10 sound commands, the victim just can't The last 10 sound commands only say will work. In the end, 'quit' removes the program all together. The smart thing is that the 'aware' keyword lets the program receive messages from the owner (player) commands. Secondly, the keyword 'recall' makes sure that the program does not start over, if the victim quits in the middle, but restart at the position it had attained. Do not put in the 'aware' if it is not needed. It saves some interpretation time not having to pass the extra messages. */
SFB_PRE Command preprocessing When this flag is set, the program is activated by a few special events which can then be blocked or changed. Currently, this event is triggered just prior to a spell being cast, and just prior to any sort of damage being given to a target. PRE "command(CMD_CAST)" Assume a a spell is cast from player A on player B with a scroll C. 'activator'... is a unitptr to A. 'medium' ... is a unitptr to C. 'target' ... is a unitptr to B. command(CMD_CAST) will evaluate to TRUE. 'argument'.... will contain a number followed by any argument to the spell itself. You should parse this number, it equals the spell number SPL_XXX. 'power' .... is set to 'HM', i.e. how powerful the spell cast is going to be. YOu can change this number at will. If you decide to block the spell, you ought to set it to -1. Example: wait(SFB_PRE, command(CMD_CAST)); s := getword(argument); splno := atoi(s); if (splno == SPL_FIREBALL_3) power := 0; /* No damage */ ... PRE "command(CMD_AUTO_DAMAGE)" Assume that damage is given from player A to player B with a sword C. 'activator'... is a unitptr to A. 'medium' ... is a unitptr to C. 'target' ... is a unitptr to B. command(CMD_AUTO_DAMAGE) will evaluate to TRUE. 'power' .... is set to how much damage will be given. You can change this number at will, but you should not set it to less than zero. 'argument'.... will contain three numbers that you must parse to determine what kind of damage we're talking about. First number is the attack group, this can be one of MSG_TYPE_XXX from values.h and/or vme.h. Second number is dependant on the attack group and identifies what damage compared to the group. For example WPN_XXX for weapon group. Third number is the body hit location, one of WEAR_XXX, (but not all of them, just hands, feet, legs, body, head, arms, i.e. the armour positions, not positions like finger or ear). Example: wait(SFB_PRE, command(CMD_AUTO_DAMAGE)); s1 := getword(argument); grpno := atoi(s1); s2 := getword(argument); atkno := atoi(s2); s3 := getword(argument); hitloc := atoi(s3); if (grpno == MSG_TYPE_SPELL) { if ((s2 == SPL_FINGER_DEATH)) { act("Your scaraebae lights up as it protects your life force."); power := -1; block; } } ...
A note upon activating a DIL program This is what you can't do: If a DIL program is already active, e.g. it is sending a message or perhaps using "exec" to perform an action, then it can not be activated. Thus, any active DIL program is unable to catch further messages. Imagine this setting: You have five program P1..P5. P1 sends a message, which is intercepted by P2. P2 now sends a message, but since P1 is busy it can not process the message. P3..P5 are however possible candidates. Assume P3 sends a message, and P4 acts upon it. P4 now sends a message and the ONLY program which can catch it is P5, since all the other programs are "busy". If P5 sends a message no-one can act upon it. When P5 returns, so does P4, P3, P2 and finally P1.

Built-in Variables:

This variable is a string which contains the "command" which was entered by a player. The result of adding: cmdstr + " " + argument is the entire string as entered by the player. The 'cmdstr' is EXPANDED by the interpreter, so assume a player types 's' then the string is expanded to 'south'.
'self' This variable is a unitptr to the unit owning the DIL program. For C++ people, this is like the 'this' pointer. For example, if Mary has a program, then self.title equals "Mary the Lumberjack wife"
'activator' This variable is a unit pointer to the unit which activated the DIL program. It is set if 'activator' issued a command or unknown command and the program was setup to catch it, with : wait (SFB_CMD...). See description of messages for more information.
'target' This variable is a unit pointer to the unit which is the target of the current operation. For 'done' messages this could for example be the destination in a give command. See description of messages for more information.
'medium' This variable is a unit pointer to the unit which was used during an operation. For 'done' messages this could for example be a bag which was the medium in a get operation. See description of messages for more information.
'power' This variable is an integer which can be reassigned. It is used in permission messages and in a few done messages. For example a permission request to damage a person with 100 damage would have power equal 100. This could then be reduced to 50 by assigning a new number. See description of messages for more information.
'argument' This variable is a string, showing the argument of a command resulting in the activation of the DIL program. See SFB_CMD for example.
'heartbeat' This is the DIL programs heartbeat. It can be assigned runtime to change the rate with which SFB_TICK is activated. Do not set it too low, and remember that it is specified in 1/4th of a second. use the constant PULSE_SEC to multiply your wanted delay, for Example: heartbeat := PULSE_SEC*25; /* Tick every 25 seconds */
'null' This is a null pointer.
'weather' This is the state of the mud-weather. It will equal one of the SKY_XXX values in values.h and/or vme.h.
'realtime' This variable returns the number of seconds passed since 1970 something. For C buffs this is equivalent to time(NULL).
'mudday' 'mudhour' 'mudmonth' 'mudyear' These variables lets your program keep track of the time in the mud. They all have integer types.

DIL constructs:

DIL offers a set of construct for you to program with.
if: The if statement is much like C. It takes any type as argument. Non integers are considered 'TRUE' if they are not null. Example: dilbegin foo(); code { if (self.hp>10) { exec("say Hehe!",self); } else { exec("say Auch!", self); } } dilend Example: dilbegin foo(); code { if (self.loaded>10) { exec("say its getting crowded!",self); } } dilend Example: dilbegin foo(); code { if (self.loaded<10) exec("say plenty of room!",self); } dilend
The goto statement lets you jump about in the code. Labels in your DIL programs, for 'goto' or interrupts are defined within ':'. For an example, see the program below. Example: dilbegin foo(); code { :mylabel: exec("say Hello world",self); pause; goto mylabel; } dilend
The while statement lets you execute a series of statements while an expression evaluates to TRUE. Example: dilbegin foo(); code { while (not self.inside) { exec("say I own nothing", self); pause; } exec("say ahh.. now i own something", self); } dilend
The break statement makes you break out of any loop you're currently in. Example: dilbegin foo(); code { while (self.inside) { if (self.position < POSITION_SLEEPING) break; exec("say I own something", self); pause; } } dilend
The continue statement makes you jump to the top of any loop youre currently in. Example: dilbegin foo(); code { while (self.inside) { if (self.position < POSITION_SLEEPING) break; pause; if (self.hp<0) continue; exec("say I own something", self); pause; } } dilend
on n goto la, lb, ..., ln:
This construct is an easy way of performing a goto operation based on the result of an integer. The integer value 'n' must be zero or positive and less than the number of labels specified in the label-list. If n is outside this range, the on-goto operation is skipped and execution continues at the next instruction. Based on the value of 'n' execution continues at the label corresponding to number 'n' in the list. I.e. if n is 0, then execution continues at the first specified label, if n is 1 then at the second, etc. etc. Example: Assume you have an integer 'i' larger than zero, which takes on 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. Based on each value you need to take a different action, this is how you can do it: on i goto grin, laugh, grin, nada, poke, laugh; log("Value was not in the range 0..5"); quit; :laugh: exec("grin", self); goto ...; :grin: exec("cackle", self); goto ...; :blank: exec("cry", self); goto ...; :poke: exec("smirk", self); goto ...; It is often used in this context on rnd(0,4) goto l1, l2, l3, l4, l5; :l1: bla; :l2: bla; ....
Foreach is an easy way to process all the units in the local environment relative to the 'self' executing the foreach. Foreach takes care of creating a list of local units, and of securing them. You can use both break and continue in a foreach statement. The unit executing the foreach ('self') is always a part of the foreach. It is important to understand that the units in the local environment are relative to the 'self' executing the foreach. Example: This foreach is copied onto the spell caster, and hence all units relative to the spell caster (i.e. self) are processed in the foreach. Assume that it was executed on the spell caster's staff, then all units found would be relative to the staff, i.e. the spell caster's inventory. ... foreach (UNIT_ST_PC|UNIT_ST_NPC, u) { if (u.hp < u.max_hp) { act("Warm raindrops fall upon you, cleaning your wounds.", A_ALWAYS, u, null, null, TO_CHAR); u.hp := u.hp + 6; if (u.hp > u.max_hp) u.hp := u.max_hp; } else act("Warm raindrops fall upon you.", A_ALWAYS, u, null, null, TO_CHAR); pause; } ...
Assignment: You can assign values to the variables you declare in your 'var' section, and some of the built-in variables. This is done by the ':=' operator. Note that you can also assign a variable the result of an expression (the addition of strings below as an example) Example: dilbegin foo(); var myvarsl : stringlist; myvars : string; code { :start: myvarsl := {"a string","another","the first"}; myvars := self.name+" XX "; myvarsl.[2] := "the last"; myvarsl.[3] := "illegal"; /* Will not work since [3] is not defined */ pause; goto start: } dilend
Expressions: The expressions used in assignment can return any of the types you can declare variables. Also they might return fail or null. An expression returning fail will not result in any action being taken. Fail is returned whan you request a field from a null pointer, or the like. Example: dilbegin foo(); var myvarsl : stringlist; myvars : string; myvarint : integer; myvaredp : extraptr; myvarunit : unitptr; code { :start: myvarunit := self.inside.next; myvarsl := {"a string","another","the last"}; myvars := self.name+" XX "+itoa(self.hp); myvarint := activator.hp; myvaredp := "Rabbit Stew Complete" in activator.quests; pause; goto start: } dilend
Operators: DIL features many other operators. For integers, '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '!=' '==' signify less than, greater than, less or equal, greater or equal, not equal, and equality operators. Furthermore, you can compare strings with '==' or '$=' for equality test, and '!=' for non equality. Pointers may also use '==' and '!=' and you may force DIL to compare pointers, even for strings with the '#=' pointer-equality operator. The '$=' and '#=' is considered obsolete, and only used for backward compatability.
in: The special operator 'in' is a multipurpose operator for alot of things. It allows you to search through quests and extra descriptions, stringlists and search for words in strings.
string 'in' string Argument 1: A string to find. Argument 2: A string to search. Return: TRUE, if first string is found in second string. Example: dilbegin foo(); code { if ("guard" in activator.title) exec("say hello guard",self); pause; } dilend
string 'in' stringlist Argument 1: A string to find. Argument 2: A stringlist to search. Returns: 1.. if first string is found in stringlist, or 0 if it is non existant. If found the number equals the index of the string found plus one. Example 1: s := "c"; sl := {"a","b","c","d"}; i := s in sl; The result of 'i' is 3, and sl.[i-1] equals "c" (s). Example 2: dilbegin foo(); code { if ("james" in activator.names) exec("say hello james.",self); pause; } dilend
string in extraptr Argument 1: A string to find. Argument 2: An extra description list to search. Return: Extraptr to first entry with string matching .names or null if none. (names must be exact letter by letter match, although case is ignored). Example: dilbegin foo(); code { if ("Rabbit Stew Complete" in activator.quests) { exec("say wow!, you helped Mary get her stew!", self); exec("app", self); } pause; } dilend


DIL features an extended set of built-in functions for extended program control. Built-in functions can be part of any expression in DIL. The built-in functions are listed later. Example: dilbegin foo(); code { exec("say I exist in "+itoa(self.loaded)+"copies", self); pause; } dilend DIL also lets you use templates as functions, but in a limited way. Using templates as functions, you may only use the return value to assign it to one of the variables declared in the 'var' section. No fields. Example: dilbegin integer bar(s:string); code { exec("say "+s,self); return rnd(1,10); } dilend dilbegin foo(); external integer bar(s:string); var myint:integer; code { myint := bar("rolling the dice."); exec("say I rolled a "+itoa(myint)); pause; } dilend
quit: This simple command quits the entire DIL program, even if called while inside a procedure or function.
return: Return from a call to a procedure template (no return type declared). The execution continures from where the procedure was called.
Return from a call to a function (return type declared). The expression inside the parenthesis evaluates to the value returned.
DIL also allows for game-time *symbolic* resolving of function/procedure names. This allows you to pass template names as string arguments and call them in your program. This kind of function call requires taxing lookups and typecheck runtime, so use the normal kind of procedures if possible. In effect, the syntax of a symbolic call is similar to that of a normal, except you use a string variable as function name instead of the real function name. If the string variable contains a valid reference to a procedure/function, and all the argument types matches the found templates argument types, the call is made. Otherwise, the call is skipped. Note that you will get no type check by the compiler when using symbolic references.


The 'extraptr' and 'unitptr' types contain information which is available to you by using fields. For example (self is a unitptr), self.inside is a unitptr to what is inside the 'self' unit. (Hence '.inside' is the field). And self.inside.outside is a unitptr to self (assuming that something is actually inside self, otherwise self.inside would evaluate to null). Some fields may not be changed by DIL programs directly but must be modified indirectly using certain procedure calls in DIL. Others may not be changed at all. All are readable for DIL programs. The extraptr structure is used for several things. The primary is extra descriptions for units, and quest data. Keywords in the 'names' field and the actual description/data in the 'descr' field. In the following (RW) means the value may be assigned new values by DIL, while (RO) means the the value only can be read. A (RO) value might be possible to change through built-in functions/procedures
The extraptr has the following fields:
extraptr: 'names' :stringlist (RW) names is a list of strings of names, that the extradescription matches on. 'descr' :string (RW) descr is the contents of the extra description. 'next' :extraptr (RO) next is the next extra description in a list.
The unitptr is the key structure in the MUD, containing any kind of the following subtypes: object : a normal object, a swort, a vail, etc. room : a room, location or the like. pc : a playing character. npc : a non playing charater (mobile, monster, etc)
The unitptr has the following fields:
unitptr: 'names' :stringlist (RW) A list of names that matches the unit. 'name' :string (RW) The first name in the namelist in 'names' 'outside_descr' :string (RW) The desciption of the unit from the 'outside'. f.inst. the description of a boat, seen from the outside. 'inside_descr' :string (RW) The desciption of the unit from the 'inside'. f.inst. the description of a boat, seen from the inside. 'next' :unitptr (RO) The next unit in the local list of units. For instance, the units in the inventory of a PC, is linked with this field. 'title' :string (RW) The title of the unit. 'extra' :extraptr (RW) Extra descriptions of the unit (identify, look at, read etc.). 'outside' :unitptr (RO) The outside of the unit hirarchy (catied by, contained by). For instance, the contents of a bag have their 'outside' field pointing to the bag. 'inside' :unitptr (RO) The inside of the unit hirarchy (carry, contains). Forinstance the first unit in a PC's inventory is referenced by the 'inside' field. 'gnext' :unitptr (RO) Next unit in the global list of units. 'gprevious' :unitptr (RO) Preveous unit in the global list of units. 'hasfunc' :integer (RO) Returns TRUE if unit has special functions attached to it. 'max_hp' :integer (RO/RW) The maximum hitpoints of unit, RO for players, RW for mobiles. 'max_mana' :integer (RO) The maximum mana of the character (player or mobile). 'max_endurance' :integer (RO) The maximum endurance of the character (player or mobile). 'lifespan' :integer (RW) The lifespan of a character, write permission only on root access. 'hp' :integer (RW) The current hitpoints of unit. For objects, this can render it 'broken' by being set low. If an unit has -1 hitpoints its considered unbreakable. 'manipulate' :integer (RW) Bits that specify how unit can be handled, see MANIPULATE_* flags in values.h and/or vme.h 'flags' :integer (RW) Bits that specify different proporties of a unit, see UNIT_FL_* in values.h and/or vme.h 'baseweight' :integer (RO) The empty weight of the unit. This can be set with the procedure 'setweight()' 'weight' :integer (RO) The current weight of the unit (and its contents). 'capacity' :integer (RW) The amount of weight the unit can contain. 'height' :integer (RW) The height of a PC/NPC, the length of a rope, the size of weapons, armours, and shields. 'alignment' :integer (RW) The alignment of the unit. [1000..-1000], 1000 is good, 0 is neutral, -1000 is evil. 'openflags' :integer (RW) Bits thats specify how a unit may be opened, locked, etc, see EX_* in values. 'light' :integer (RO) How much light is inside the unit. 'bright' :integer (RO) How much the unit lights up. This can be set with the procedure 'setbright()' 'illum' :integer (RO) How much light units inside a transparent unit create 'minv' :integer (RW) The 'wizard invisibility' level. 'spells'[] :integer (RO) The defence/skill of the different spell spheres/spells The index should be one of the SPL_* in values.h and/or vme.h 'zoneidx' :string (RO) The unique database name (in the zone) for this unit. 'nameidx' :string (RO) The unique databse zone name for this unit. 'idx' :integer (RO) The unique database index (in the zone) for this unit. This provides a smart alternative to check for zoneidx and nameidx. Thus if (u1.idx == u2.idx) then (u1.nameidx == u2.nameidx) and (u1.zoneidx == u2.zoneidx). Be warned, this value change between each reboot, so do not count on it for purposes of saving. 'zone' :string (RO) The name of the zone the unit is in. 'type' :integer (RO) The type of the unit, see UNIT_ST_* in values.h and/or vme.h 'loadcount' :integer (RO) Returns the number of units loaded in the game of this definition (zoneidx,nameidx / idx) if the type is UNIT_ST_OBJ 'objecttype' :integer (RW) The type of an object, see ITEM_* in values.h and/or vme.h for types. 'value'[] :integer (RW) Values for an object. The meaning of the values differ from object type to object type. Index should be [0..4]. These values are used differently for each object type. 'objectflags' :integer (RW) Bits specifying special properties for an object. Some combinations may not be logical, see OBJ_* in values.h and/or vme.h 'cost' :integer (RW) The basic cost of an object. (old gold value) 'rent' :integer (RW) The basic cost of renting an object. Mostly used on very special objects. (old gold value) 'equip' :integer (RO) The position in eqipment. This is used by units in a PC/NPC's inventory to tell if they are equipped by that PC/NPC. use the 'addequip()' and 'unequip()' procedures. if the type is UNIT_ST_ROOM Note: the descr fields of exits are available as standard extra keywords, ie. 'north' ,'east',...,'down'. Example: ex := 'north' in self.extra; 'exit_names'[] :stringlist (RW) The names matching the exit name 'open grate' The index should be one of NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST UP DOWN in values.h and/or vme.h Example: sl := self.exit_names[SOUTH]; act("The $2t slides open as you press the button.", A_ALWAYS, activator, sl.[0], null, TO_CHAR); 'exit_info'[] :integer (RW) Bits specifying the conditions of the exits, see EX_* in values.h and/or vme.h The index should be one of NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST UP DOWN in values.h and/or vme.h 'exit_to'[] :unitptr (RO) The unit, the direction exits to. The index should be one of NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST UP DOWN in values.h and/or vme.h You may not change the directions through DIL programs. 'roomflags' :integer (RW) Bits specifying proporties of the room, see ROOM_FL_* in values.h and/or vme.h 'movement' :integer (RW) The type of movement in the room, see SECT_* in values.h and/or vme.h if the type is UNIT_ST_PC or UNIT_ST_NPC 'speed' :integer (RO) The current default combat-speed (as seen by wstat) 'fighting' :unitptr (RO) The unit the PC/NPC is fighting. 'master' :unitptr (RO) The unit the PC/NPC is following. 'follower' :unitptr (RO) The first follower of a PC/NPC. There is currently no way of finding other followers, except using a foreach loop in the local environment. 'exp' :integer (RO) The number of experience points for PC, or experience quality of monster. The exp can be set by the function 'experience()' 'charflags' :integer (RW) Bits specifying by spells affects and other PC/NPC affects, and many other things, see CHAR_* in values.h and/or vme.h 'mana' :integer (RW) The amount of mana a PC/CHAR has left. 'dex_red' :integer (RO) The amount of DEX reduction the PC/NPC suffers due to encumberence or otherwise. 'endurance' :integer (RW) The amount of endurance a PC/NPC has left. 'attack_type' :integer (RW) The non-weapon attack type of a PC/NPC. 'race' :integer (RW) The race of a PC/NPC, see RACE_* in values.h and/or vme.h 'sex' :integer (RW) The sex of a PC/NPC, see SEX_* in values.h and/or vme.h 'level' :integer (RO) The level of a PC/NPC. 'position' :integer (RW) The position of a PC/NPC, see POSITION_* in values.h and/or vme.h affected by the 'position_update()' procedure 'abilities'[] :integer (RO) The abilities of a PC/NPC. Index should be ABIL_* in values.h and/or vme.h 'weapons'[] :integer (RO) The weapon skills of a PC/NPC. Index should be WPN_* in values.h and/or vme.h if the type is UNIT_ST_NPC 'defaultpos' :integer (RW) The default position of an NPC, see POSITION_* in values.h and/or vme.h 'npcflags' :integer (RW) Some small options for NPC's see NPC_* in values.h and/or vme.h if the type is UNIT_ST_PC 'birth' :integer (RO) The time a PC was created. 'hometown' :integer (RO) The hometown of a PC. 'pcflags' :integer (RW) The setup of player options. See PC_* in values.h and/or vme.h 'playtime' :integer (RO) The time a PC has played. 'skill_points' :integer (RW) The amount of unused skill points the PC has. 'ability_points' :integer (RW) The amount of unused ability points the PC has. 'skills'[] :integer (RO) The skills of a PC. Index should be SKI_* in values.h and/or vme.h 'guild' :string (RW) The guild the PC belongs to. 'prompt' :string (RW) The players prompt string.. 'crimes' :integer (RW) The number of crimes the PC has. 'full' :integer (RW) How hungry the PC is. 'thirst' :integer (RW) How thirsty the PC is. 'drunk' :integer (RW) How drunk the PC is. 'quests' :extraptr (RW) The quests a PC is finishing/has finished. 'info' :extraptr (RW) The info structure of a PC. 'acc_balance' : integer (RO) If the game is in accounting mode, then this returns the balance of the player, what would be shown on balance in wstat acc. 'acc_total' : integer (RO) If the game is in accounting mode, then this returns the total credit of the player, what would be shown on total in wstat <player> acc.

Built-In Functions:

The following are definitions and documentation for the built-in functions in DIL. The definitions are not definitions 'as such', but serve to distinguish arguments in the documentation below.
string asctime(i : integer) i : the time to convert in seconds (realtime variable) Returns: The seconds converted into an ascii format date of the following form "Mon Nov 18 18:49:08 1996" Example: log(asctime(realtime));
string textformat(s : string) s : The text string to format. The string is formatted according to the escape format codes as defined inone of the other documents. Returns: The formatted string which will automatically adapt to each individual player's settings. Example: ts := note.extra.descr; rs := textformat(ts);
integer spellindex(s : string) s : The abbreviated or full spell name Returns: -1 if no such spell, otherwise it returns the spell index for that spell. Example: s := "cu li wo"; /* cure light wounds */ i := spellindex(s);
string spellinfo(idx : integer, i1 : integer, i2 : integer, i3 : integer, i4 : integer, i5 : integer, i6 : integer, i7 : integer, ) idx : The spell index (SPL_XXX). You might want to use spellindex to find this value. Returns: The full name of the spell, or the empty string if no such spell. All the integer parameters are set to the following values: i1 : Spell realm (MAG / DIC) i2 : Spell sphere (SPL_XXX) i3 : Mana usage i4 : 0 if a non-offensive spell, non-zero otherwise i5 : Resistance required (SPLCST_XXX) i6 : Mediums (MEDIA_XXX) i7 : Targets (FIND_UNIT_XXX & TAR_XXX) Example: s := "cu li wo"; /* cure light wounds */ i := spellindex(s); s := spellinfo(i, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7); /* s & i1 - i7 now set */
integer can_carry(ch : unitptr, u : unitptr, n : integer) ch : The character to check u : The unit to check if he can carry. n : How many copies of that unit. Returns: 0 if 'ch' can carry 'n' times 'u'. 1 if 'n' items are too many (his hands are full) 2 if 'n' times 'u' are too heavy Example: i := can_carry(activator, item, 1); if (i == 1) exec("say Your hands are full!", self); else if (i == 2) exec("say You cant carry that much weight.", self); else exec("give "+item.name+" to "+activator.name, self);
string fits( char : unitptr, obj : unitptr, pos : integer ); char: Character which we want to test if obj can be fitted upon obj: The object we want to see if fits char. pos: -1 or WEAR_XXX Returns: Empty string if ok, or a textual description of the size problem. Fits tests if "obj" can be worn by "char" in position "pos". If pos is -1, then fits automatically figures out the default worn position for "obj". Example: s := fits(self, obj, -1); if (s != "") exec("say Dont buy it, its "+s, self);
unitptr restore( zone : string, name : string ) name : The symbolic unit-name. zone : The symbolic unit-zone-name. Returns: The unit loaded or null if not found. Restore loads a copy of a unit which was previously saved with the 'store' command. Just as with "load", the unit is put inside the unit which executes the restore command. Note, that it is only possible to 'restore' as long as the main-database contains a reference for the unit 'name@zone'. Please use store and restore sparingly - remember that items saved in player's inventories are automatically saved in their instance. Disk access is always slow. The 'store' and 'restore' are perfect for operations such as an on-line edited newspaper, a lottery where the tickets sold to players are stored and the player is announced. In fact the bulletin board system could very easily be written in DIL using store and restore. CAVEAT Builder: If you use restore on a continous basis, it is essential that you do so ONLY if it is needed and even then, only at amply spaced intervals. Otherwise you might cause serious delays on the server. Example :

    title "the wizinv load-purser"
    descr "the wizinv load-purser is standing here, restoring things that needs to be restored."
    minv 253
    weight 20000
    dilbegin aware save_tick();
       unitptr unit_room@basis( u:unitptr );
       modified : integer;  /* flag */
       lock     : integer;  /* security semaphor */
       zoneid   : string;   /* zoneidx of unit to restore */
       nameid   : string;   /* nameidx of unit to restore */
       twin     : unitptr;  /* Pointer to unit loaded from disk */
       location : unitptr;  /* Where we should put it */
       backup   : unitptr;  /* In case it was a container that went away */
       wasunit := FALSE;
       modified := FALSE;
       lock := FALSE;
       interrupt(SFB_MSG,(command(CMD_MSG)) and
                         ( argument == "LOCK" ) or ( argument == "RELEASE" ), set_semaphor);

       interrupt(SFB_MSG,(command(CMD_MSG)) and
                         ( argument == "RESTORE" ) or ( argument == "CANCEL" ), set_modified );

       heartbeat := PULSE_SEC*6000; /* 10 minute restore interval. */




       if ( ( modified == TRUE ) and ( locked == FALSE ) ) {

          twin := restore( zoneid,nameid );

          if ( twin != null ) {

             if (location == null) {

                location := backup;
             sendtoall("DISMISS",nameid+"@"+zoneid);  /* Dismiss the unit */

             link (twin,location); /* As twin is now first in list, it can intercept commands */

       goto loop;

       if (argument == "CANCEL")   {

          modified := FALSE;

       } else if (argument == "RESTORE") {

          modified := TRUE;
          zoneid := activator.zoneidx;
          nameid := activator.nameidx;
          location := activator.outside;
          backup := unit_room(activator);
       goto loop;


       if (argument == "LOCK") {

          locked := TRUE;

       } else if (argument == "RELEASE") {

          locked := FALSE;
       goto loop;

    title "the eversprouting gizmo"
    descr "The eversprouting gizmo is here, doing it's stuff."

    dilbegin aware application_dil();
       dying : integer;
       /* Save ourselves of example use */
       dying := FALSE;
       /* Set up dismissal */
       interrupt(SFB_MSG, ( argument == "DISMISS" ) and ( dying == TRUE ), killme );



       /* Keep the purser from destroying us when we do our stuff */
       /* NOTE: remember to replace all occurences of myzone with the name of your zone*/
       /* Begin writing a letter, singing a song, etc */
       /* Send an unlock message when done */

       /* Depending on whether you want to cancel any possible restores, send the */
       /* appropriate message */
       if (wewanttorestore == TRUE) {

          dying := TRUE;
       } else {

          dying := FALSE;
       goto start;


   Note: This example assumes that only one unit will be using it.

integer meleeattack ( ch : unitptr, vict : unitptr, bonus : integer, wtype : integer ) ch : The character which should make an additional attack. vict : The victim of the attack. bonus : Any penalty or bonus added to the attack. wtype : The weapon type of the attack, if a valid type then that is used for the attack purpose, otherwise the default weapon/hand attack is used. result: 'ch' performs a melee attack (using whatever weapon is wielded or his bare hands) against 'vict'. Returns the amount of damage given (-1 is failed). If wtype is within a valid weapon range (WPN_XXX) any weapon will be bypassed, and the value will be used as the attacktype. Good for things like "meleeattack(ch, vict, bonus, WPN_CIRCLE_KICK)" if you want person to be able to perform an extra attack even though wielding a weapon or something. Note that this will require BOTH a weapon type WPN_CIRCLE_KICK and a skill "kick" in order for it to work.
string moneystring(amt : integer, verbose : integer) amt : The amount of money verbose: True if an expanded string (copper pieces) or false if abbreviated money types (cp). result : The moneystring for the given currency.
unitptr equipment ( u : unitptr , i : integer ) u : The character to search. i : What equipment to find, any of the WEAR_XXX macros. result: Returns the unit on 'u' which is equipped on position 'i'. See WEAR_* in values.h and/or vme.h
integer visible(u1 : unitptr, u2 : unitptr) u1: The character who is looking at u2 u2: The unit which the character u1 is trying to see. return: TRUE if u1 can see u2, FALSE otherwise. Example: if (visible(self, victim)) ...
integer opponent(u1 : unitptr, u2 : unitptr) u1, u2: Two characters return: TRUE if u1 is in combat with u2, FALSE otherwise. Example: if (opponent(self, victim)) ... When in a combat, you are usually only melee-attacking one opponent, although you may have many other opponents. This function lets you check if you are directly / indirectly an opponent to another unit.
integer purse(u : unitptr, coinage : integer) u : The unit to check coinage: The money type (e.g. gold, silver), one of IRON_PIECE, etc. Returns: The number of such units found. Example: if (purse(self, PLATINUM_PIECE) > 10) exec("say I am loaded with platinum!", self);
integer atoi ( s : string ) s : A string with a number. return: The number in the string. Example: i := atoi("42");
integer command ( cmd : string or integer ) cmd : A string of the full typed command, e.g. "push" or "say". Alternatively you can specify one of the macros defined in values.h and/or vme.h, e.g. CMD_SAY return: Whether the command specified by the activator is the one of the argument. It is noteworthy, that unlike simple compares like this; if ("spook" in cmdstr) { ... ... } or if (cmdstr == "spook") { ... ... } where the first will activate even if the cmdstr is "nospook", and the second only if cmdstr equals the word "spook" to the letter, the following construct will activate as long as the contents of cmdstr doesn't conflict with cmd; if (command("spook")) { ... ... } ie, it will receive the same kind of treatment as a 'regular' command. That means that you provide ease of use to the user (allowing shorthand notation), while securing that you're doing what the user wants. CAVEAT Builder: If you use a string argument as cmd, be sure that there are no white-space in it, ie, that the argument does only consist of letters. Example: command("spook"); is a valid string, while this construct; command("spook him"); is NOT valid. The reason of that is that cmdstr only contains the FIRST word of the input from the player, and thus the latter construct could never evaluate to true. This should be evident taking the above information into account, as "spook him" could never equal "spook" (which would indeed be the text in cmdstr if the player entered the string "spook him".)
integer dildestroy( s : string, u : unitptr ) s : name of diltemplate to delete. u : unit to remove program from. return: Whether a program using a template with same name as in 's' attached to unit 'u' was deleted.
integer dilfind( s : string, u : unitptr ) s : name of diltemplate to find. u : unit to find program in. return: Whether a program using a template with same name as in 's' attached to unit 'u' was found.
string itoa ( i : integer ) i : A number. return: A string with the number. Example: s := itoa(42);
integer isaff ( u : unitptr , i : integer ) u : A unit to be examined. i : An id of an affect, see ID_* in values.h and/or vme.h return: TRUE, if unit 'u' is affected by affect id 'i'
integer isset ( i : integer , bit : integer ) i : An integer to examine. bit : A set of bits to match. return: TRUE, if bits in 'bit' is set in 'i'. Example: if (isset(self.manipulate, MANIPULATE_TAKE)) ...
integer paycheck( u1 : unitptr, u2:unitptr) u1 : unit to check against u2 : player to check access for return: TRUE if the player u2 has pay access to the location in which the unit u1 is located. FALSE if the player does not have access. Using non-players as u2 will teturn TRUE. The function checks if the player has pay-access (if needed) to the zone in which u1 is located.
unitptr findunit ( u : unitptr , s : string , i : integer , l : unitptr ) u : The unit the local environment is relative to. s : A string with name of the unit to find. i : The environment, where to look for it, see FIND_UNIT_* in values.h and/or vme.h. l : An optional list of units to search. return: If the unit is found, the function returns that unit. Returns null if nothing found. The first argument is typically the char that's looking for something, i.e. if Mary needs a spoon to stir the pot, she'll be the first argument. The second argument is what you're looking for, represented by a string. In the above mentioned example, that'd be "spoon". For the second or third argument, you have a choice, as you'll only need to use one of them, and let the other be 0 or null. For instance, if you have a pointer to Mary's kitchen utensil pot, you can use the line: findunit(mary, "spoon", 0, pot); Or you can just let her look around for it with: findunit(mary, "spoon", FIND_UNIT_INVEN or FIND_UNIT_SURRO, null); You can use all the FIND_UNIT_ values defined in values.h and/or vme.h, if you want to look for something for example within the zone (FIND_UNIT_ZONE), the entire world (FIND_UNIT_WORLD) (you rarely need to do that, it's mainly for tell etc.), or just the inventory or equipment of the char in question (FIND_UNIT_INVEN and FIND_UNIT_EQUIP). Finally, as in the example above, you can look in the room of the char (FIND_UNIT_SURRO). Using FIND_UNIT_PAY or FIND_UNIT_NOPAY in this function will be ignored. See Also: DIL findunit() for Dummies
unitptr findrndunit( u : unitptr, sv : integer, uf : integer) Returns: A pointer to a random unit, or null u : The unit pointer which the search is relative to. sv : The search-location, a value (not bitvector) of FIND_UNIT_XXX uf : Bitvector. The unit flags which can match of UNIT_ST_XXX Example: u := findrndunit(self, FIND_UNIT_ZONE, UNIT_ST_PC|UNIT_ST_NPC); This routine returns a random unit. Notice how the 'uf' lets you specify exactly what unit types to look for. The 'sv' is not a bitvector, although FIND_UNIT_XXX is usually used as such. If you need to search multiple environments, then call the routine once for each. Using FIND_UNIT_PAY or FIND_UNIT_NOPAY in this function will pick a random player which in addition to being in the seach environment also is registered as valid payer (or not). Asking for a room would yield a random room registered to be accessible for paying players only (or not). Asking for objects would return no unit (null).
unitptr findroom ( s : string ) s : Symbolic name of room. return: A pointer to the room, or null Example: findroom("inn@udgaard")
unitptr findsymbolic ( s : string ) s : Symbolic name of the NPC or Object to find. return: A pointer to an instance of the unit, or null. Example: findsymbolic("bread@midgaard") This routine supplements findroom and findunit. It comes in handy, if it is important to get a correct reference to a NPC in the world. If for example, Mary needs to send a message to John the Lumberjack, then she should NOT use the findunit() since it may locate a differnt John - even a player! If she instead locates him using findsymbolic("john@haon_dor") she will be certain that it is in fact her husband, and not the player John Dow from Norway. It will NOT locate rooms, for the only reason that findroom is a lot more efficient. unitptr findsymbolic ( u : unitptr, s : string, i : integer ) u : Search is relative to this unit. s : Symbolic name of the NPC or Object to find. i : FIND_UNIT_XXX bitvector of places to search. return: A pointer to an instance of the unit, or null. Example: findsymbolic(self, "bread@midgaard", FIND_UNIT_INVEN) This routine supplements findroom, findunit and findsymbolic(#). It comes in handy, if it is important to get a correct reference to a unit somewhere relative to 'u'. If for example, Mary needs to check if she has her own cooking pot, then she should NOT use the findunit since it may locate a different pot, not belonging to Haon-Dor but to some other zone. If she instead locates it using findsymbolic(self, "pot@haon_dor", FIND_UNIT_IN_ME) she would be certain that it is in fact her own cooking pot that she is carrying around, and not some other pot from a Joe Blow zone.
string getword ( var s : string ) s : A string with zero or more words separated by space. return: The first word of the string. NB: The argument string has the returned word removed.
stringlist getwords ( var s : string ) s : A string with zero or more words separated by space. return: A stringlist where each string was a word in 's'.
unitptr ghead ( ) return the first unit in the global list which will be the last char to have logged on.
stringlist split ( var s : string, var t : string) s : A string with zero or more words separated by var t. return: A stringlist where each string was a word in 's' seperated by string 't'.
integer length ( a : string or stringlist ) a : a string or stringlist to examine. return: The length of the string in characters, or the number of strings in a list.
unitptr load ( s : string ) s : Symbolic name of unit. return: A pointer to the unit, or null Example: load("garlic@midgaard") The loaded unit is automatically placed inside the object which loaded it. Use for example the link command to move it to other units.
integer openroll( dice : integer , end : integer ) dice : The size of the dice being rolled. end : The margin for the open-ended roll. return: A random integer in approximately +/- 2^31 in worst case. Example: i := openroll(100,5); The "100" roll continues on values 96 - 100 and on values 1 - 5.
integer pathto( from : unitptr, to : unitptr ) from : The unit which the path is taken from to : The unit which the path is taken to returns: DIR_XXX from values.h and/or vme.h. Example: i := pathto(self, findroom("inn@midgaard"));
pathto(buff : string, u : unitptr ) buff : The string that is to be paged to the player. u : The unitptr the buff is to be paged for. returns: nothing example: pagestring (buff,self); would format the buff string to the player so the buff text doesn't scrollof hte screan untilafter the player presses enter.
integer rnd ( i1 : integer , i2 : integer ) i1 : Start of range. i2 : End of range. return: A random integer in an interval from 'i1' to 'i2'. Example: i := rnd(1,10);

Built-In Procedures:

DIL features some built-in procedures that allows you increased control over in-game data structures and eventhandling. Once such procedure (used above) is 'exec()'. The inline procedures are used as any other procedure by typing its name, followed by a list of argument expression enclosed in parentheses. The return types of the expressions used for built-in procedure calls are checked by the compiler. DIL also lets you call templates defined in the current or other zones. The naming of templates follows the normal naming convention for zone, using the 'name@zone' as a symbolic name for a procedure. Before being able to use external procedures, you must define their name and type in a separate 'external' section in the template. The declaration in the 'external' section should match the original declaration of the referenced program. You can define the number and type of arguments the template take, by listing them inside the declaration parenthesis (as well as in the original declaration of that template) (see example below) Example: dilbegin bar(s:string); code { exec("say "+s,self); return; } dilend dilbegin foo(); external someproc@hades1(); bar(s:string); code { someproc@hased1(); bar("Hello "+activator.name); pause; } dilend When the procedure is called, the argument expressions are calculated, and passed to the template. Built-in procdures, their arguments and function are listed later. The following are definitions and documentation for the built-in procedures in DIL. The definitions are not definitions 'as such', but serve to distinguish arguments in the documentation below.
follow( f : unitptr, m : unitptr ) f : The character to follow m : The character to be followed Unconditionally makes 'f' follow 'm', even if 'f' is mortally wounded, sleeping, fighting or whatever.
logcrime( c : unitptr, v : unitptr, t : integer ) c : The criminal (main suspect) v : The victim t : The crime type (CRIME_XXX) Registers a crime committed against 'v' by 'c'. Use the CRIME_XXX values from values.h and/or vme.h as the 't' argument. The logcrime routine automatically registers group members of the criminal, etc. In stuff like steal, remember to make the criminal visible if he fails his attempts.
acc_modify( u : unitptr, i : integer ) u : A player i : An amount in 1/100s, for example 100 would equal $1.00, and -100 would equal -$1.00. Access only allowed with 'root' access and all transactions are registered in the specially encrypted account log file. Use with great caution, and always test thoroughly before using. Use without prior permission may cause deletion of god / zone.
store( u : unitptr ) u : A pointer to a unit (except rooms) Result: Stores the unit 'u' on disk overwriting any existing versions of the same unit. See also 'restore'. CAVEAT Builder: If you use store on a continous basis, it is essential that you do so ONLY if it is needed and even then, only at amply spaced intervals. Otherwise you might cause serious delays on the server. See example use of 'restore'.
position_update ( u : unitptr ) u : A pointer to a player or a monster. The character will be updated and perhaps killed, incapacitated, mortally wounded, revived, etc. depending on current hitpoints. Useful when tampering with the 'hp' field. Example: pc.hp := pc.hp - 100; position_update(pc);
set ( var i : integer , bit : integer ) i : Integer variable to alter. bit : Bits to set in integer variable. result: Sets bits in 'i'
unset ( var i : integer , bit : integer ) i : Integer variable to alter. bit : Bits to unset in integer variable. result: Unsets bits in 'i'.
addextra ( var e : extraptr, l : stringlist , s : string ) e : Extra description list to add element to. l : Stringlist for the .names field. s : String for the .descr field. result: Adds an extra description to a list of extra descriptions. CAVEAT builder: You cannot use an extraptr variable as the e argument, but you may continue to use the following form: ... ... addextra (self.quests, "Bozo's Quest"); ... ...
addstring ( var l : stringlist, s : string ) l : Stringlist to add string to. s : String to add. result : Adds a string 's' to a stringlist 'l'.
subextra ( var e : extraptr, s : string ) e : Extra description list to remove element from. s : String matching .names field in element result: Removes first extra description from list with matching name. CAVEAT builder: You cannot use an extraptr variable as the e argument, but you may continue to use the following form: ... ... subextra (self.quests, "Bozo's Quest"); ... ...
substring ( var l : stringlist, s : string ) l : Stringlist to remove string from. s : String to remove result: Removes string 's' from stringlist 'l'.
subaff ( u : unitptr, i : integer ) u : Unit remove affect from. i : Affect id to remove, see ID_* in values.h and/or vme.h result: Removes first affect at 'u' with matching id 'i'.
addaff ( u : unitptr, id : integer, tif_first : integer, tif_tick : integer, tif_last : integer, apf : integer, )XXX u : Unit to add affect to. id : Affect id to add, see ID_* in values.h and/or vme.h result: Adds affect 'id' at 'u' with first, tick, and last TIF_XXXs
destroy ( u : unitptr ) u : Unit to destroy. result: Extracts unit from game, if not a room, linking it out, etc.
walkto ( u : unitptr ) u : Room to walk to. result: Makes unit (self) walk to room, taking a 'step' at each 'tick'. Example: walkto(findroom("inn@udgaard"));
link ( u : unitptr, t : unitptr ) u : Unit to link. t : Unit to link into. result: Link a unit into another unit hirarchy. (Automatically unequips if equipped).
experience ( i : integer, u : unitptr ) i : A integer number of experience to gain or loose. u : The player to recieve the experience. result: The integer amount of experience is added to the players total amount of experience (thus causing more or less experience). USE WITH CARE! SUGGEST THAT YOU ONLY USE INTEGER CONSTANTS AS THE EXPRESSION TO AVOID ERRORS.
act ( s : string , vis : integer , dilexp , dilexp , dilexp , to : integer ) Call the intelligent message parser. s : The message to be send. vis : Visibility of message, see A_* in values.h and/or vme.h. Argument 3,4,5: Arguments to message (can be unitptr or string) to : Who to show it to, see TO_* in values.h and/or vme.h result: The message is parsed so that a '$' followed by a number and a control code is diplayed differently to the PC/NPC's in the room. There is a maximum of 3 Arguments, and the parser accepts the following control chars: 'n': title of unit, or 'something' or 'someone' 'N': name of unit, or 'something' or 'someone' 'm': 'it' 'him' 'her' depending on sex 's': 'its' 'his' 'her' depending on sex 'e': 'it' 'he' 'she' depending on sex 'a': 'an' or 'a' depending on unit name 'd': number in Argument 't': text in Argument Example: act("You step over $2n.", A_SOMEONE, self, litter, null, TO_CHAR); act("$1n steps over $2n.", A_SOMEONE, self, litter, null, TO_REST); See Also: DIL Act() for Dummies
exec ( s : string , u : unitptr ) s : Command and arguments to perform. u : Unit to perform command. result: Unit (PC/NPC) executes command. The argument is treated just as if a normal PC entered a command at the command prompt in the game. It is not directly possible to detect whether the command was a success or fail. For example, you might force a PC to "get key". If there is no 'key' available, the PC will get notified the normal way. Plenty of examples are given above.
wait ( i : integer , dilexp ) i : Message class to accept, see SFB_* in values.h and/or vme.h dilexp : Expression that has to be TRUE or not null to accept message. result: Waits for a command, matching the flagset, and satisfies the expression. When using the 'wait()' command, the first argument is an integer, that tells what classes of messages to wait for. Each message class is represented by a bit named as described in the chapter on messages. Example: wait (SFB_TICK|SFB_MSG, TRUE) /* Will accept a message, either from another DIL program or a timer message. As the second argument is always TRUE, any such message will reactivate the DIL program. */ Example: wait (SFB_CMD, command("transmutate")) /* waits for an command entered named 'transmutate'. Activates the DIL program, that then can block the command, or let it pass (and then let the game produce the normal error message for unknown commands). */
secure ( u : unitptr , label ) u : Unit to secure. label : Label to jump to, on removal. result: Secures a unitptr, so that the program will go to 'label' if unit leaves local environment. If this happens, during a call to another function/procedure, it will continue at that label when the function/procedure returns. If you perform some kind of call to a template, the removing of a unit from the local environment will not have affect. until the return from that function, as the program execution will continue at the designated label after a call. Should several secured units leave local environment, the last such event will determine the point of execution upon return.
unsecure ( u : unitptr ) u : Secured unit. result: Drop secure on a given unit.
block result: Blocks any command issued by a player or mobile. Blocking a command prevents the command from being parsed by the interpreter. This is ideal if you need to make a routine which intercepts a command, reacts on it in a special way, and does not need the standard way of reacting.
priority result: Set until nopriority command. When set, no special routines "below" the current DIL program will be executed. This is used to make other special routines idle. See haon-dor.zon for an example.
nopriority result: Cancels the priority procedure.
addequip ( u : unitptr , i : integer ) u : Unit to equip. i : Where to equip unit. result: Equips unit, presumed to be in invetory PC/NPC at given position. See WEAR_* in values.h and/or vme.h
unequip ( u : unitptr ) u : Unit to unequip. result: Unequips unit presumed to be in equipment of PC/NPC.
dilcopy( s : string, u : unitptr ) s : Name template to attach to unit. u : Unit to attach a dilprogram to. result: Attaches a DIL program to a unit 'u', which uses a template named by 's'.
sendtext( s : string, u : unitptr ) s : text to send u : Unit to send the text to result: Sends the string 's' to 'u'. Useful only for nanny stuff, because no newline appended.
change_speed( u : unitptr, i : integer ) u : the unit on which you wish to alter the current combat speed. i : the amount to add to the speed. Beware, this is not the 'speed' as in the speed field, rather this is the speed which is calculated during combat. It is used for spells like 'stun' which effectively puts the character out of combat for one round. Such a spell would be implemented like: change_speed(u, 12) and would only cause any effect if 'u' was fighting already (if not, use setfighting).
integer transfermoney( f : unitptr, t : unitptr, amount : integer) f : The char the money is taken from t : The char the money is given to amount : How much money. Returns: TRUE is money was transferred, FALSE if could not afford. If 'f' is null and 't' isnt, then money is created and given to 't'. If 'f' isnt null but 't' is, then money is removed from 'f'.
set_fighting( u : unitptr, t : unitptr ) u : the unit on which attacks. t : the unit being attacked. This is used to set two characters fighting. If the attacker is fighting already, the target will simply be inserted into the opponent list and perhaps killed a little later.
setweight( u : unitptr, i : integer ) u : the unit on which you wish to alter the weight. i : the new weight This is needed on forexample drink-containers. I.e. if you wish to remove or add some liquid, you must also adjust the weight of the container, or you will mess up things.
setbright( u : unitptr, i : integer ) u : the unit on which you want to change the brightness. i : the new brightness When you want to increase / decrease the amount of light shed by a unit, use this funtion. Units with "bright" light up rooms so that people can see.
log( s : string ) s : Text to put in the log. result: Puts text in the log for debugging purposes.
send ( s : string ) s : Message to send. result: Send a message to all DIL programs in current local environment, matching the message class SFB_MSG. The message is not received by those DIL programs in the local environment that is not set up to wait for that message class.
sendto ( s : string , u : unitptr ) s : Message to send. u : Unit to send it to. result: The message is passed to all DIL programs in unit, matching the message class SFB_MSG. The message is not received by those DIL programs in the local environment that is not set up to wait for that message class.
sendtoall( m : string, s : string ) m : Message to send. s : Name idx to send message to. result: Send a message to all units matching a given database name. Example: sendtoall ( "some message", "rabbit@haon-dor"); The message "some message" is sent to all units in the world matching the data base name "rabbit@haon-dor". Like 'send()' and 'sendto()', the message received matches the SFB_MSG message class.
sendtoalldil( m : string, s : string ) m : Message to send. s : Name idx to a DIL program to send message to. result: Send a message to all DIL programs matching a given database name. Example: sendtoalldil ( "some message", "intercomm@cemetery"); The message "some message" is sent to all DIL program in the world matching the data base name "intercomm@cemetery". Like 'send()' and 'sendto()', the message received matches the SFB_MSG message class.
cast_spell( i : integer, caster : unitptr, medium : unitptr, target : unitptr ) WILL EVENTUALLY BE OBSOLETE AND REPLACED BY THE CAST_SPELL BELOW. i : Spell index to cast. See SPL_* in values.h and/or vme.h. caster : The caster of the spell. medium : The medium, with which the spell is cast, might be caster. target : The target of the spell. Use this to cast spells without performning all the usual mana stuff, etc. Very useful with for example rings / items posessing magical abilities. integer cast_spell( i : integer, caster : unitptr, medium : unitptr, target : unitptr, effect : string ) i : Spell index to cast. See SPL_* in values.h and/or vme.h. caster : The caster of the spell. medium : The medium, with which the spell is cast, might be caster. target : The target of the spell. effect : A symbolic DIL program which takes no arguments. This will cause all effects to be suppressed and leave this to the program specified. A string of "" will cause the ordinary messages to appear. returns: The result of the spell. Use this to cast spells without performning all the usual mana stuff, etc. Very useful with for example rings / items posessing magical abilities. Please note that in the two programs below the variable 'hm' represents the number of hitpoints that will be deducted from the target. Example: %dil dilbegin myeffect(medi : unitptr, targ : unitptr, hm : integer); code { act("The caster is $1N medium is $2N and target is $3N", A_ALWAYS, self, medi, targ, TO_ALL); act("The spell result is $2d", A_ALWAYS, self, hm, null, TO_ALL); quit; } dilend ..... %... dilbegin test(); var n : integer; code { wait(SFB_DONE, command("beg")); n := cast_spell(SPL_FIREBALL_1, self, self, activator, "myeffect@wiz"); exec("say Result of spell was "+itoa(n), self); } dilend
integer attack_spell( n : integer, caster : unitptr, medium : unitptr, target : unitrptr, bonus : integer) Returns : The amount of damage given. n : The spell index of the offensive spell (SPL_XXX) caster : The caster of the spell. medium : The medium, with which the spell is cast, might be caster. target : The target of the spell. bonus : Possible (+) advantage or (-) penalty. This is low-level internal spell stuff used to develop new spells. Do not use unless you know what you are doing and have been allowed to do so by Papi.
integer interrupt( flags : integer, dilexp, label ) Set up interrupt matching message classes matching "flags", for example "SFB_COM" or "SFB_COM | SFB_MSG". When the program is activated on either of the specified conditions the 'dilexp' is evaluated. If true, then execution continues at 'label', otherwise the next interrupt is checked (if any). Interrupts are saved (restored), when 'recall' is set. Returns an integer which is used for clear() to clear an interrupt. Example: The following program shows, that the owner (self) of the program keeps snoring while sleeping. The on_activation ensures that the program is only activated when the owner is sleeping. However, since the interrupt preceedes the on_activation, these may still be intercepted before the on_activation. The on_activation is just another type of interrupt that reacts on all flags (without actually setting them so that the program is activated). When the program receives the message "relief" the snoring stops briefly. As used, "relief" may only be set once. When the program receives the message "cured", the snoring stops completely (i.e. the program quits itself). dilbegin var i : integer; code { /* Notice that the sequence in which the interrupts (and the on_activation) are executed, is quite important: You can be cured at *any* time. The program will skip if you are not sleeping. If you are sleeping you can be relieved. */ interrupt(SFB_MSG, argument == "cured", the_end); on_activation(self.position != POSITION_SLEEPING, skip); i1 := interrupt(SFB_MSG, argument == "relief", relief); :loop: exec("snore", self); pause; goto loop; :relief: /* Suppose you can only be relieved once, then we must clear interrupt */ clear(i1); pause; pause; goto loop; :the_end: /* Person is cured... */ quit; } dilend
clear( i : integer ) Clears the interrupt number "i". If i is invalid, this will either clear an wrong interrupt or do nothing.
integer on_activation ( dilexp , label ) dilexp : A boolean DIL expression. label : Label to jump to - OR the reserved keyword SKIP. returns : The index to the interrupt handing the on_activation. result: Sets up an interrupt that is executed before every activation of the DIL program. This is for example useful to catch situations where your NPC has fallen asleep or is injured. If 'dilexp' evaluates to TRUE then the program jumps to 'label'. If 'label' is 'skip' then the program is simply not activated. When the on_activation evaluates to true, and jumps to a label other than skip, the condition is automatically cleared. If the dilexp evaluates to false, or if the label is skip, the activation remains active. Use the clear() to remove the on_activation. Example: on_activation(self.position <= POSITION_SLEEPING, skip); or on_activation(self.position > POSITION_SLEEPING, let_me_sleep);
How 'Done' messages (SFB_DONE) are treated. Note that not all commands are implemented, if you are missing one, let Papi know and it will be created. See commands.txt for details.
This page last updated 03-27-1997, Peter Ryskin "Belgoth"